Page 1 of The Kingpin

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Beautiful. Fragile. Innocent.

That’s the way I liked to think of Raven. I’d come to the realization that she didn’t belong in my world. She was far too delicate, a budding flower with tender leaves. But it had become impossible to ignore her, or the desire that had never left from the unexpected meeting. Karma had been kind, offering me an olive branch, one I would have been stupid to ignore. She didn’t realize the danger she was in or the fact a predator was studying her from afar.

Hungering for her.

Waiting for the perfect moment to strike, infecting her with my venom.

Or did she?

Was she just performing for her master, enticing the ferocious beast?

I chuckled at the thought, remaining hidden in the shadows, leaning against a large oak tree as I allowed myself to be consumed by sadistic hunger. I’d never been the kind of man to hide from anything or anyone before, but I enjoyed watching her go about her daily tasks, pretending that what had occurred between us only weeks before had never happened.

But I sensed her upheaval, a burning desire that kept us tethered. With every glance over her shoulder, every hurried step over the last few weeks, there was no doubt she realized she’d already been captured like a sweet fawn. Only I wasn’t preparing for a slaughter. No, the hunt was all about her requirement to submit to my needs.

And to exact the sweetest revenge on my greatest enemy, a man who’d once been not only my best friend but someone I’d considered a brother.

Until he’d betrayed me.

As she scurried past me barely fifty yards away, completely unaware a monster lurked in the darkness, I could almost gather a hint of her sweet perfume. She had no idea how close I was, how intent I was on staking my claim. She’d become the obsession of a ruthless, corrupt, and very depraved man, a beast who would strip away the remainder of her innocence.

She also had no idea how important she’d become in a war of prowess and intelligence, a diamond in the rough that would soon become my greatest possession.

A queen in a merciless game.

I watched with envy as Raven’s roommate stopped in the courtyard, the two young women engaging in a conversation. Then laughter drifted my way, the lilting sound forcing my cock to stir, my balls to harden. As the two girls walked away, I sucked in my breath, the ache in my groin increasing.

Then Raven stopped briefly, pulling away and turning in my direction. She knew I was there.



Biding my time.

And there was no fear, only burning need.

I rubbed my jaw, enjoying the light breeze and spectacular view. Only when she disappeared out of sight did I turn away, heading to my vehicle. Once inside, I revved the engine, laughing softly to myself.

“Soon, my princess, you’ll be mine forever.”


Weeks before…


It wasn’t midnight yet I felt the pulse of the haunting city humming in my veins. New Orleans was an incredible place, filled with gothic homes and devilish history, acts of debauchery the usual fare.

Sadly, I wasn’t here for the festive parties or glorious food. I was here for a single purpose.


“‘Join a sorority,’ the high school guidance counselor had told me. ‘It’ll be fun. The experience will be an excellent addition on your resume.’” I’d muttered the ugly whisper, and it wasn’t the first time. I’d refused based on the woman’s nagging alone.

Until my mother had badgered me, relentless in her words, hiding behind her motherly love. Bullshit. It was called status, requiring her daughter to follow in her illustrious footsteps. Somehow, I’d fallen prey to the constant push, finally reaching out to the president of the high and mighty sorority much later than the typical college student.
