Page 12 of The Kingpin

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If she thought that would stop me from getting what I wanted, she was sorely wrong. I brushed my lips across her jaw, slowly shifting downward. She did what she could to keep from making any sound but lost the fight the moment I dusted my lips across one already hardened nipple. Her breasts were perfect, created to fit in a man’s hands.

My hands.

Raven shuddered from the light touch of intimacy, her long, dark eyelashes skimming across her shimmering cheeks adding to the enticement. I pulled away, my gaze falling to her beautifully bare pussy. I wanted nothing more than to drive my cock deep inside, but I found enough restraint to back away. This could be nothing more than a trap I couldn’t afford to fall into.

What I needed to do was ensure that she’d keep her mouth shut no matter who she was. Even though she had no proof of what she’d overheard, given Grayson would soon disappear, any statement or accusation she made would bring far too much scrutiny to my activities at a time when I couldn’t afford any additional attention. Let alone her actions would force my hand with the man who could turn out to be her father.

I eased my phone from my pocket, moving to the camera, returning to the bed. As I proceeded to take a few photographs, including one taken with me, she struggled in the tight binding. Even from the angle of the picture, my face was easily recognizable.

And the state of her undress was as well.

“Oh, my God. What are you doing?”

“Let’s just call it a method of insurance, princess.”

Raven lifted her head, her lips twitching in frustration and anger. “Don’t you dare publish those. You don’t understand. You can’t. You’ll ruin me. I’m going to be important one day.”

I chuckled and slipped the camera into my jacket. “I assure you that I won’t unless you give me no choice. However, leverage is useful in my line of work. What you overheard is none of your business and out of your league. These will prove to be a helpful reminder.”

“I’m not stupid. I wouldn’t tell anyone. I enjoy breathing.”

“If you’re telling me the truth, then I doubt you’ll want your friends and professors knowing you spent a passionate night with a kingpin. Do you?”

“Bastard. You’re a fucking bastard.”

I rolled my finger down the bridge of her nose, drinking in her perfume. “You gotta pay to play.”

“You can’t do this. I’m sorry I invaded your privacy. I’m sorry I tried to steal something from you. That doesn’t give you the right to do this to me.” It was funny that she didn’t sound apologetic at all. In fact, she sounded proud of herself.

“I have all the right in the world,cherie. This is my home. My world. My bedroom. As of right now, you are my guest. I suggest you relax and enjoy the rest. After I return, you and I are going to talk.” I grabbed a throw from the plush chair in the corner, placing it gently around her. Her glare was even more heated.

“Where are you going?”

Her resolve had returned, which continued to arouse me. “I do have a family gathering downstairs, a hundred guests waiting for my toast to my beautiful sister. Duty calls.” I moved toward the door. Then I snagged her dress, draping it over my arm.

“You can’t take my things. I’ll scream bloody murder.”

I laughed and waited until the door was open before glancing over my shoulder. “I can do anything I want. My rules.”

“What are you going to do with me?”

The question was one yet to have a decent answer. “If you’re a good girl, I might fingerfuck you when I return. Then I’ll thrust my cock deep inside your tight pussy. Oh, and you can scream all you want. No one will hear you.”

As I closed the door, a smile crossed my face. Her gasp of shock was a sweet reward. I hadn’t been in this good of a mood in a long time. I flexed my fingers, longing to have them wrapped around the leather once again.

The fact she’d refused to cry out had almost brought out the monster in me. It wasn’t that I cared to hurt a woman by any means. There’d been few in my life I’d met who deserved being treated similarly to the way I would a man who betrayed me. My upbringing had prevented me from doing so.

I brought my hand to my nose, drinking in her scent, the smile remaining. When I’d noticed her pussy was glistening from wetness, I’d almost lost it. I dragged my tongue across my lips then pulled out my phone, calling Maddox before heading back to the party.

“Bossman.” He called me that when he was in the middle of a business operation or when in front of any of my other soldiers. While he was my best friend, someone who’d worked for me longer than anyone else, he offered his full respect as an example of how everyone in my employ should act.

“We have another more pleasurable issue.”

“Don’t we always?”

Right now, I needed my second in command’s expertise in garnering information. He was the best at doing so, able to hack into any computer system within a matter of minutes. “Is Landry with you?”

“Of course. What’s up?”
