Page 79 of The Kingpin

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“You’re far too intelligent for your own good.”

“I’m just starting to understand you and your sordid world much more.”

I laughed and stopped one last time, checking the area before heading into the entrance to the restaurant. “That should terrify you, my princess.”

She lifted her head, peering at me with amusement in her eyes. “Not in the least. Truthfully, just the opposite.”

There was something entirely different about her over the last few hours. It was as if instead of being resigned to the life I’d forced on her, she was finally taking pleasure in the possibilities for the future. As we walked inside, the reactions from staff working in the facility as well as the customers inside was similar to what we’d experienced merely walking into the hotel.

There wasn’t a single person who wasn’t watching, curious as to the woman on my arm. I enjoyed the restaurant at least once every two weeks, but never with anyone but my family, including my daughter. I knew exactly where the family would be, nodding to the hostess as she smiled.

We were the last to arrive, Edmee having picked up my daughter given her friend lived close to the house where Edmee currently lived. I studied her fiancé, Zane only having eyes for my sister.

Maybe he would make it to the wedding after all.

“Here we go,” Raven said under her breath.

“They don’t bite.”

“Are you so certain about that?”

Zoe noticed us first, jumping up from the table where she was having a lively conversation with Francois. “Daddy! This must be Raven.”

My daughter didn’t bother greeting me more than that, immediately throwing her arms around Raven. There was a certain vibe with the family that either I hadn’t paid attention to before or hadn’t cared about. As I stood on the outskirts of the private room, I realized just how lucky I’d been to have a family remaining close through so many battles and bloodshed, tragedies and triumphs.

I’d taken them for granted for the most part, including my older brother. He seemed genuinely happy for me, immediately pushing back his chair and heading in my direction. But there wasn’t a single member sitting around the oversized table who hadn’t risen to their feet. They all knew it was a big deal for me to marry someone else, whether for business or not. They’d seen the bouts of rage and intolerance, supportive yet coming close to several interventions over the years.

And I’d pushed every one of them away with few exceptions.

“Brother. I am so thrilled for you,” Louie said as he grabbed my hand. Then in an uncharacteristic move, he pulled me into a bearhug. “I’m proud of you, dude. You finally slithered out of your shell.”

His admiration meant dear ole Dad hadn’t told anyone that the marriage to Raven had initially been all about business. Or who she was. “It was time.”

When he pulled back, he clapped my arms. “You know when it’s the right girl. I certainly did.” He glanced at Sara, the petite blonde already hugging Raven in a welcome to the family.

“Maybe you’re right, brother.”

“Don’t sound so forlorn. She’s beautiful. Young. Jesus Christ. Young.”

“Age is just a number. Right?”

Louie laughed. “What does Zoe think?”

“She acted happy when I told her.”

Francois pushed his way from around the girls, including my mother, who was scrutinizing Raven exactly as I knew she would. Some things never changed within a family. When Raven tipped her head in my direction, my mother offered a single nod of approval, which at least allowed me to relax for now.

“I must admit,” Francois said as he closed the distance, “she’s lovely. Polished even for her age.”

“Are the two of you really going to push me about the age difference?” I challenged.

They glanced at each other, the conversation they were having not needing words. “Yeah, I think we are,” Francois answered for both of them. As they laughed, a waiter brought me a whiskey, the young man knowing what I liked.

And perhaps what I needed to get through the evening.

As Father approached, the women headed for the bar, my daughter jabbering as she always did when she was excited. At least Raven’s appearance hadn’t alienated her completely. Thankfully, Zane knew better than to attempt to get in the middle of a family conversation.

“Business talk at the last celebration of our sister being a single woman?” Louie asked.
