Page 85 of The Kingpin

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“I was an idiot, but God, I loved her. Anyway, things got muddy after that. A month later, he disappeared. When Louie found him somewhere in Virginia, evidently, he was not in good shape. Louie never told us what happened or what was said but that was it. My father forbid us to talk about him again.”

“And you married Sophia and had a child.”

“I did.”

I thought about what he’d just told me, trying to find the right words. “He never talked about you. I had no idea. I’m not sure my mother does. No wonder you thought he was to blame.”

“I did what I could using my sources to keep track of him, shocked as hell when he joined the police force. When Sophia was killed, it took everything I had not to hunt him down, but there was no evidence Thomas had anything to do with her death.”

“But you believed it.”

“Yes. It was too similar to what happened, his anger toward Sophia so strong that I believed the threat he’d made from all those years ago. He’d told me if he couldn’t have her, no one could.”

“My father is many things, Arman, but he’s not a murderer.”

He reached out, touching the side of my face, bristling then pulling his arm away, fisting his hand. “I believe you’re right, but I need to make certain. I must find the answers and discover who’s responsible for the threats and damage. That’s why I still need to go to Dallas tomorrow.”

“I don’t want you to go.”

“Are you worried about me, princess?”

“Yes, I am. For all your bravado, you’re hurting inside from the past, from the present. You still won’t face your emotions head on, preferring to live behind the anger that still threatens to consume you. Someone wants you dead. Maybe both of us. I don’t know what to say any longer, Arman. I need a chance to talk to my father. I need to know his side of the story.”

When he pinched my chin, holding me in place as he inched closer, I could tell he didn’t want me to try to escape as I’d done before. “He lost everything. His parents, the life he thought he knew, the woman he loved with all his heart. All he could concentrate on was revenge. It’s still entirely possible he manipulated Travis Ramsey into doing his bidding. That’s what I need to find out.”

“You don’t know my father any longer. He’s a good man. Isn’t it entirely possible Ramsey manipulated him? Using their friendship? I hated that man and his deranged son. I swear to God, the two of them were evil.”

“You might be right, at least about Travis. He’s been living two lives for far too long.”

“I don’t understand the politics of your world, but I do know that you’ve been feeding off the need for revenge for years while harboring guilt for what happened with Sophia. Maybe you’re the one who needs to let it go, to forgive. I can’t live like this, Arman. I care about you and the feelings are growing stronger, but I refuse to live as if I’m walking on eggshells. Can’t you understand that? You will allow me to talk to my father.”

He lifted his hand to my cheek again, only he didn’t touch me, keeping his fingers a few centimeters away, his eyes piercing mine. He backed away completely, leaving me aching inside, the longing indescribable yet deep. As he headed for the door, I wasn’t certain what to think or say or even how to feel.

The moment he stopped short in the doorway, I could sense he was debating the same thing himself. “The dangers are real, Raven. Someone is using the personal tragedies of my family against us. That puts you directly in harm’s way. I can’t and won’t allow the part I can control to continue any longer. You will stay here in this house where you and Zoe will be protected until I handle this. Make no mistake, I will return. Then I’ll deliver you to your father myself, letting you out of your contact.”

“Why? I know you too well. This rash decision isn’t just about my safety.” I was shocked, so much so I couldn’t think clearly.

“Because you’re right. You don’t deserve to live your life with someone you can’t care about, and I can’t continue hiding behind my need for revenge. Both you and my daughter deserve better.”

“What are you going to do?”

The way he laughed was entirely different, as if he no longer cared what happened to him. “What’s necessary to protect my family.” As he turned away, taking another step, I heard the last words. “Even if it means losing my life.”

* * *


“She’s exactly the kind of woman you need in your life,” Francois said from across the aisle of the jet. We’d remained mostly quiet since leaving for Texas. We were about to land and would be heading to check our construction sites prior to visiting Devin.

We were still awaiting confirmation on whether Ramsey was with the man, Maddox coordinating efforts with soldiers already in Dallas to hunt him down then track him. Until then, we’d bide our time, although my patience was close to running out.

“I let her out of the contract, the blasphemous agreement I forced her to make.”

“What?” My brother sat up in his seat then moved to the one in front of me.

“It was the right thing to do.”

“Since when have you ever done the right thing?” He laughed then leaned forward, placing his forearms on his thighs, fisting his hands together. “Look. I know we’ve been at odds lately, but even a stubborn asshole like me knows that you’ve increased the business while lowering the danger level over the past few years. We’re wealthy beyond our means and can do anything we want.”
