Page 56 of Little Mouse

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I scowl at her. “You’ll be sleeping in my bed,topolina. There is no sleeping in another bed. I don’t care how pissed you are at me. I want you with me, not on the other side of the damn house.”

She arches a brow at me. “And yet you put me there when you first brought me here. All my clothes are there.”

“I’ll have them moved to my room.”

“But you don’t have the cool library in yours,” she says, moving around in the water slowly, seemingly enjoying herself.

“Then I’ll build one,” I say carelessly. “You’re not going to be away from me, Gia. End of discussion.”

“You know, I think you really should learn that you can’t dictate everything. It’s giving you a complex.”

I arch a brow at her and give her a hard stare. “I think my position says otherwise,topolina. And when it comes to you, I’ll do whatever I have to do to make sure you’re where you belong. Now, other than sleeping and then wandering down here, what else did you do?” I ask, changing the subject.

She narrows her eyes at me, but thankfully lets it go. Not that I don’t enjoy when she argues and fights with me, but she’s much too sore for me to take her again, and I know I won’t be able to resist fucking the anger out of her. Hell, even now my cock jerks at the thought. With this woman, it doesn’t matter what she does, I always want her.

“I took another shower and then I started walking around,” she answers, pulling me out of my thoughts. She licks her lips nervously, and I wait to see if she’s going to tell me what’s on her mind. Finally, my brave little mouse asks, “So does this mean I don’t have to stay in my room under lock and key?”

She sounds so hopeful, and I have to wonder if that’s because she’s happy I trust her more now, or because she’s still trying to find a way out of here. A part of me knows she’s always going to try. I don’t want to dwell on it too much right now.

Instead, I reply, “You’re free to roam around the house and grounds. But, Gia, you will have a guard with you.”

She doesn’t reply for a moment. “You still don’t trust me, huh?” she says softly.

“I don’t trust someone not to show up and try to take you,” I reply instead of telling her the full truth. Which reminds me, I need to see to my guests, but I want another few minutes with Gia first. A few moments where I’m relaxed and don’t have to play mafia don.

She arches a brow at me. “You really think someone is going to get past all your guards and dogs to get to me? The woman that no one knows where she is? And that most people don’t know exists?”

“Your family is searching for you, and more people know who you are now.”

She startles at that, making the water splash slightly as she swims towards me. “My family knows I’m missing?” A flare of panic is in her eyes, and I move away from the wall and pull her into me. She doesn’t fight me, instead wrapping her legs around my waist and putting her hands on my chest as she stares at me.

“You have nothing to fear from your family, Gia. I won’t allow them to take you or hurt you again. You’re under my protection now.”

She stares at me, looking unconvinced. “You’re not going to want to keep me forever, Nico, and eventually they’ll figure out I’m here. And if you won’t let me go, they’ll take me back by force.”

“You are safe here. You’re mine, Gia. And that means no matter what happens, you will be safe from them and anyone else who might harm you.”

“Even you?” she whispers.

The idea of hurting her in any way repulses me, but I give her the assurance she seems to need. “Even me.” Her eyes search mine, before she suddenly presses her forehead to mine, closing her eyes, and taking a deep breath. I hold her close, neither of us speaking.

“I’m terrified of them finding me,” she whispers. “Marco will probably kill me. And if he doesn’t, my father might.”

“No one will be killing you,” I tell her firmly. Hell, the very idea makes my blood boil. No way in hell would I let anything like that even remotely happen. “I will protect you, Gia.”

“If anyone can, I feel like it would be you, Nico,” she whispers. “Even if you did kidnap me,” she adds, her lips quirking into a smirk.

“Mmm, that just means you know the lengths I’ll go to make sure I have you where I want you,” I murmur, pressing my mouth to hers. She sighs softly as she sinks into the kiss. I pull away, though, before I allow it to get too deep and distract me. “I have some things I need to see to,” I tell her gently, and I see the flare of disappointment in her eyes before she smiles and nods. Satisfaction rolls through me knowing she wants to spend time with me, but I can’t dwell on it. “I won’t be long, and when I’m done, I have a few other places to show you.”

Now she’s intrigued. “You already have a cool library, a pool, and a huge kitchen. What else could you possibly be hiding here?”

I chuckle and start moving us towards the steps, carrying her out. I’m not quite ready to let her go. “You’ll find out soon enough.” I give her a light slap on the ass before I set her on her feet. She gives a soft yelp and glares at me, but at least she’s not moving to cover herself, seemingly comfortable with being naked and exposed to me. It almost gives me hope she’s getting used to the idea of being with me. And considering what I want from her, that’s exactly the direction I want her to be heading.

I go to one of the doors along the wall, open it and find the thick towels stacked neatly inside. I pull out a couple and bring them to her. She takes one and starts to dry off, while I do the same, watching her. If I had more time, I’d be drying her off in a whole other way. Unfortunately, that’s not in the cards right now, so I tempt myself by watching her. When she starts to pull on her clothes, I force myself to dry off briskly and do the same.

Once we’re dressed, I take her hand and lead her up the steps and out of the room. When we emerge, I’m not surprised to find Dante and Davide waiting. Gia stumbles slightly when she sees them, and I can see her face reddening, but neither man says anything to her, only focusing on me. “Davide, you’re with Gia,” I tell him briskly. “Dante, you’re with me.” They both nod, and then I turn to Gia, who’s looking everywhere but at my men. I bite back a smirk. “Behave yourself,topolina.”

Her gaze moves to mine and she arches a brow, that little bit of sass making my hands ache to pull her over my shoulder, smack her ass, and find the closest surface to fuck it out of her. “I’m sure with my guard, I doubt you have much to worry about,” she replies, flicking a glance at Davide.

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