Page 57 of Little Mouse

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“With you,topolina, anything is possible. Now, kiss me goodbye.” She looks startled by that order, but she makes no motion to do so, glancing at Dante and Davide warily. I don’t have the time to argue with her, so I reach out and haul her into me, and lower my head to take her mouth in a quick and brutal kiss. I don’t care what my men think. They better get used to it, because I plan on taking her mouth as often as I damn well please. When I pull away, she stares up at me dazedly, and then blinks at me when I murmur, “I don’t give a fuck who’s around, Gia. When I want this mouth, I expect you to give it to me. Because I want the taste of you in my mouth when I leave.” Then I release her turn to head down the hallway. I have work to do.

However, I can feel her eyes staring into my back, and when I glance over my shoulder at her, I see her standing there glaring at me. I wink at her, before turning back and heading down to the dungeon with Dante. I am all business by the time I descend the stairs and see the men hanging from the ceiling. Including Leonardo’s youngest son, Matteo. Matteo holds my stare giving nothing away, while his men move nervously. They’ll break easily, but they’re not the ones I want answers from.

“You planning on just standing there and staring at me?” Matteo asks, all cocky bravado. “Seems to me you aren’t living up to your reputation of the big bad don that will kill you if you cross him.”

“That’s not what they call him,” one of his men sneers. I don’t let him finish that sentence. Instead, I lift my gun and shoot him between the eyes. He stares back at me with unseeing eyes, and the others go still and silent, including Matteo. His eyes widen slightly, and I see him swallow hard.

I set the gun down on the table next to me and step farther into the room, only stopping once I am in front of Matteo. “Now that we’re clear I’m going to give you the courtesy of knowing you’re going to leave here alive. Mostly because I told your father you would, but I also told him you won’t be as pretty when you do. How ugly you leave here is up to you and how easily you answer my questions.”

“I’m not telling you anything.”

I look back at Dante, who is leaning against the wall smirking. “They always say that. And yet, they all do.” I turn back to Matteo. “Unlucky for you, your brother already gave me some of the details, but I want to know how you got the information.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he lies.

I sigh. Before he can react or brace, I bring my fist up and connect it to his jaw, making him groan as his head snaps back. “Second thing you should know about me,” I inform him conversationally, “is that I don’t tolerate lies. A funny thing for a mafia don, I realize, but well, there are some standards I won’t budge on. I’m sure you’d feel the same if your father lied to you every day of your life. Or your mother.” He gives a small jerk, barely noticeable, at that, and now I know how to push. It seems someone has a soft spot for his mother. Typical. But I’ll hold off on that for now. “So, I’m going to say it again. I want to know where you got the information that I am holding your sister here, and you’re going to tell me.”

“You sick bastard,” he sneers. “You did take her, didn’t you? I thought Marco was losing his mind, but you do have her. You’re going to die as soon as my father finds out.”

I laugh darkly. “You really think your father is going to do shit to me? All because of you and your idiot brother, you gave me the excuse I need to start a war. One we both know you and your family lose, and then I’ll take everything you worthless lot leave behind. You’ll lose everything because you thought you knew something when you really had no clue.”

“You have our sister, asshole,” he grits out. “Did you really think we were just going to leave her here with the likes of you?”

“You seem to think you know a lot about what’s going on here. How about you enlighten me and I’ll tell you if you’re right?”

Like the stupid boy he is, he starts talking. So much for being harder to break. I wonder if Leonardo knows he’s raised a pussy of a son, and one that doesn’t know how to keep his damn mouth shut. “We know you took her, and we know you’ve been hiding her here. Probably fucking her and using her like your own personal whore. What, you think just because she’s part of our family you can use her against us? You thought wrong, because she’s nothing. Women are nothing more than whores and used to give us heirs. Fucking worthless. So as far as I’m concerned, you can keep her, but Marco has plans, and they involve her so we’re going to take her back and we’re going to kill you and take everything. Everything.”

I turn and look at Dante, who shakes his head in disbelief. I look back at Matteo who is glaring at me murderously. I’m almost tempted to let him go and see what he’ll do, but first I need some more information. “Odd way to speak about your own flesh and blood. You don’t really sound like you care about your sister, and neither does your brother, but here you are sneaking in to supposedly take her back because you think I have her. A bit of an odd thing. So, what, you and your sister have a falling out or something and you’re holding a grudge?”

He sneers at me. “I told Father he should have killed her the moment she was born, but he apparently thought he could use her. We’re De Lucas and we only have sons. We don’t need women fucking things up for us with all their whining and nagging.”

“And is your sister the whining and nagging type?”

He’s lips curl back into a smug smile. “We beat that out of her early. She learned to keep quiet. The way it should be.”

I want to kill him now for the very admittance he dared to lift a finger to Gia, but I say nothing. Let the fucker keep talking and racking up the pain I’ll make him endure before I’m finished. “So despite you hating your sister, you want to use her to further some cause your brother has cooked up,” I muse. “Surprising, considering your father is in charge, and not your brother. Or your uncle. And since your Father didn’t seem aware of this little plan, I’m sure he’s going to have lots to say when you eventually make it home.” Matteo pales at that, but he quickly recovers and glares at me angrily. “Still, that’s no matter considering I don’t really give a damn about any of your family drama.”

“Let me go, give me my sister, and I’ll be out of your hair.”

I chuckle. “He still thinks I have his sister,” I say to Dante. “All of this over one woman.”

“We know you have her,” Matteo snarls, jerking against the chain.

“And yet, here you are, unable to tell me how you know. Considering until earlier today, I had no clue you have a sister,” I lie.

“You bumped into her twice, you followed her,” Matteo seethes. “And you took her. We know all about what you did. All because she was a dumb cunt and wasn’t watching where she was going.”

I want to pound my fist into his face, but I hold back. “You really think that because a woman bumped into me I’m going to kidnap her?” I scoff. “You think I’m that hard up for pussy I need to take it now? I’m starting to see why you boys aren’t married and acting like idiots. Letting your cocks over-run your brains.”

There is a small glimmer of doubt in his eyes, but it quickly vanishes as he glares at me. “Wouldn’t take much to find out who she is. And once you knew, you figured you could use her to your advantage.”

“I think we need to clean out your ears,” I remark, before I swiftly bring my fist up and hit him in his left ear, making him swing and cry out in pain. I wait a moment, before I continue, “How the fuck would I be able to find information on a woman that doesn’t even exist on paper, huh?”

He gives me a smug smile and laughs hoarsely. “I thought you said you didn’t know anything about her?”

I punch him in the gut for good measure. “I’m starting to think you De Luca boys have no brains after all since you haven’t been listening. I told you I found out about her earlier today. From your uncle in fact. And you thought I wouldn’t start digging?”

He loses the smile and stares at me for a moment. But the cocky little shit doesn’t give up. And I have to give him props for holding himself together as much as he has. He’s not the kind of kid that’s ever been in this type of situation. He’s too green, and he’s got little to no experience like his elder brothers. “Doesn’t matter, we still know you have her, and I’m here to get her back. And Father’s not going to let you keep me here. He’ll come for me, and we’ll kill you.”
