Page 48 of Seduced Wolf

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She stalks through the wolves, dwarfing many of them, watching them warily. No one stops her as she comes to stand over me, growling deep in the back of her throat.

I grunt, unable to move. My limbs feel disconnected. Everything else is defined by agony. But she shouldn’t be here.

I need to protect her.

Except, the only way I can do that is to become…him. And the moment I do, I lose her.

To my surprise, the masked man has been slowly retreating as he watches this unfold. He curls his lip as he stops beside the silver wolf. “She’s really got you whipped, Big Bad Wolf,” he sneers. He opens his arms, and the wolves and Bane gather around him, staring at me with icy fury. “Games like these are only fun when we drive each other into corners.”

Aria growls even as I feel a tremor ripple through her. She’s being brave, but she knows she’s no match for any of these wolves.

The masked man walks backward with slow, steady steps. “Will you hold onto that humanity of yours? Or will it break?” he snarls, melding into the shadows. “The answer depends on how much you want to live, Big Bad Wolf.”

The moment they’re gone, Aria collapses around me, whining. I try to tell her I’ll be okay. Try to reassure her.

All I can do is reach up and stroke her downy muzzle. “We’re safe,” I rasp as oblivion takes me.

For now.
