Page 153 of Runaway Omega

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Kylian leads the way out of the elegant room and down the hallway. He holds his gun low, by his side, and walks at an easy pace. As if he belongs here.

The white hallway is empty as we walk down it. We soon reach a plain white door with a keypad sensor beside it. I’m getting ready to ask Kylian how he intends to open it when he lifts his gun, points it at the sensor, and fires twice into it.

I flinch at each sharp burst, peering over my shoulder to make sure the sound isn’t drawing attention. But the hallway remains as empty as it was before.

When I turn back around, the keypad is smoking, and Kylian is holding the door open.

We follow.

All the cages are empty. They took Resa, and I have no idea where we would even begin to look for her.

“She’s not here, cher,” Rune says what I already know. “We have to go. I wish we had time to look for her.”

I smile to show I understand. “Maybe she—”

The door we stepped through moments before swings open.

Three things happen at once.

Kylian grips a man by his arm, drags him the rest of the way inside, and cracks his gun hard on his temple before thrusting him into an empty cell.

My mouth drops open.

It’s the blank-faced servant sprawled on his back in the cell, blood trickling down his face.

I’m still staring when Kylian snarls. “He’s lucky I didn’t think to shoot him in the fucking head. He deserved nothing less.”

Lifting my head, I meet his eye. He meets mine, and it’s like he forgot I was here because I swear he flinches, and it’s as if he’s bracing himself for me to run or scream. “I didn’t—”

“I know,” I interrupt him. “He wasn’t a good person.”

Relief flashes in his eyes so fast I nearly miss it. Did he think I would judge him for it? That I would look at him in disgust after he saved me and tried to save Resa too?

They’re the only alphas in the city who I have any warm feelings for.

“Then let’s go.” Kylian swings around, leading the way out.

I huddle against Rune’s chest, breathing in his alpha pheromones as I wind my arms around him and burrow even closer.

He smells so good.

I stop caring about getting away from this place or about anything but the need building within me. A need this delicious-smelling alpha can ease by laying me down and driving his cock deep inside me. And I want that. No, I need it.

I touch my mouth to his pulse, kissing him lightly. He groans so loud; I feel the vibration against my chest. It’s like a purr, but I don’t want or need his purrs. I need his knot in me.

The hand he has wound around my back tenses. “No, cher.”

I shake my head, not wanting to listen as I slide my hand down his chest, toward his pants. He grips my wrist, holding on. “Let’s get you home first.”

He drops a kiss on my head, and I hate the neediness in my voice when I ask, “You promise?”

“I promise,” he assures me.

No one tries to stop us from leaving.

I guess since I’ve been bought and paid for, who would?

You’re free, Everleigh. Free from Lawrence and from this disgusting auction.
