Page 173 of Runaway Omega

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Rune nods. “Among other things. But they know who you are and they’ve agreed to let you see her.”

“And if she doesn’t want to see me?” I ask, not moving.

“Shewillwant to see you.” Kylian takes my hand and gently squeezes.

I squeeze back. “But if she doesn’t? If she doesn’t remember me and this all goes wrong?”

Cian offers me a reassuring smile. “Then we come home and have a bit of Pack Ashe cozy. A whole week of it, if you want?”

His words draw a smile from within. “You have a business to run, and I’m sure we made a pretty big mess down there.”

My cheeks heat with everything we did. Things I would want to do again.

And again.

A few minutes ago, I was upstairs preparing to say that I wanted to stay with these alphas forever.

Now this.

Will I ever be able to guess what new thing is waiting to shock me?

Rune gets to his feet from his perch on the edge of the table. “Everything down there is washable. Between popcorn, soda, and everything else, movie nights usually wind up a mess. And you will always take priority over a meeting.” He gives me a searching look. “There’s something else we need to tell you. This news isn’t going to be easy to hear.”

I mentally brace myself.

Maybe more than mentally for Rune to drop into a crouch in front of me and smile apologetically. “We’ve given you too much bad news these last few days, cher.”

And it’s hurt him to do it. I read the pain there. Loud and clear. I take his hand, squeeze it, and hunt for a smile. “But you’ve also given me the best news I’ve ever had.” I smile at Cian. “My sister is alive, and so is my mom.”

Kylian takes my free hand. “It’s no accident that your mom—Olive Deane—is in a private clinic on the edge of town. Someone put her there.”

I brace myself some more.

“Sloane Eddiswood,” Cian says softly.

I don’t have any more free hands between Kylian and Rune holding onto both, so Cian wraps a hand around my ankle, a strangely comforting touch. Until he says, “He’s the alpha of one of the wealthiest families in the city. He’s your father, and an envelope I found on his desk proves he’s been the one paying the bill for keeping your mom in that clinic. Makes sense he would also be the one to put her there.”

I try to process what he’s telling me. I’m not sure how long passes before I say, “He’s a member of the Asylum.”

Kylian nods. “He had the membership card that got us in. Not sure how much he goes, given he’s been living as a recluse the last ten years.”

Rune lifts his hand and gestures to his face. “You have the same eyes. Maybe he thought someone would recognize you if they saw you together.”

I’d gotten used to people asking me why I seemed familiar when we’d never met before. Now I know, and the truth is, maybe I’m still in shock to think this way, but I don’t think I care.

Will I fall apart later?


I slowly pull my hands free from Rune and Kylian and push myself to my feet. “I think I’d like to go to the clinic and see her, if I can?”

Cian unwinds his hand from my ankle, and Rune and Kylian rise. They’re watching me as if they suspect I’m not as okay as I might sound. I wish I could reassure them, but the truth is, I don’t know if I’m okay or not.

Rune says, “Whatever happens, you have a place with us, and you can have Pack Ashe cozy whenever you want, okay?”

Why does this sound like a goodbye?

I nod as I choke back the need to cry because something amazing is happening. Something happy. I should be smiling, not close to breaking down in tears.
