Page 76 of Runaway Omega

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You’re tempting me to let you.

His sexy rasp in the garden floods my mind. Suddenly, just like I needed to know that these alphas don’t call every omega that crosses their path, little omega. I need to know who he was thinking of in that garden.

“In the garden you said…” I halt and my cheeks are cherry tomatoes.

Am I seriously going to ask him this? I don’t think I can.

He waits for a second, and when I don’t continue, his smile grows. “Do you want to know the perfect woman I was envisioning giving me a slow ride to paradise?”

Perfect woman?

Whoever she is, I immediately hate her.

I shake my head. “Of course not. Why would I want to know a thing like that?”

“If I were to tell you that the woman was you?” He arches a brow.

I struggle to summon a coherent response. “Uh…”

He steps back, his smile growing as he swings away. “Sixth door on the left.”

“Why are you telling me that?” I call after him. When I realize my hands are empty, I glance down. My towel is at my feet and I have no memory of dropping it. Just how close was I to grabbing a certain gray-eyed alpha instead?

“So you know which room will always be open to you.” He peers over his shoulder, his eyes hooded. “Day or night. Maybe I can do something to deserve that title.”

He disappears into the room he pointed out. I spend altogether too long talking myself out of following him into that room. I want to. But it would be a mistake.

Don’t get attached. You need to find out if your mom is somewhere in the world, as much of a victim of the Wentworths as you. And then there’s Della. So don’t get attached.

After snagging my towel, I head for omega territory.

As I close the door behind me, my eyes settle on the bed I haven’t slept one night in.

Now there’s more of a reason not to sleep in it with the things I slipped under the sheets after Rune cooked for me. I haven’t worked up the courage to use those things yet, and I don’t know if I ever will.

But maybe one day.

Turning from the bed, I do a quick sweep of the room, trying to spot whatever out-of-place things Kylian warned me not to let myself get startled about.

The room—my room—is just as I left it when Hali asked me if I wanted to go swimming with her. The bed is still perfectly made. The drapes pulled back, and the window open to let cool air blow through.

There’s no sign Nancy was in here cleaning at all.

Oh, the empty plate of breakfast I shoveled in my face in the closet is gone from the dresser. But that’s one small thing. Nothing that would require a warning not to be alarmed.

Shrugging, I head for the bathroom to shower and wash my hair.

Long minutes later, I’m clean, dried, and donning a pair of shorts and a tank top. I muffle a yawn as I head to my closet for a quick pre-dinner nap. I’m not sure why, but all that splashing about in the pool has worn me out.

I swing the closet door open.

My mouth gapes open at the same time a cream, fluffy cushion rolls out of the closet and onto my foot.

I close the door, turn around, and stare at my bedroom door.

And then I cross over to it, open it, and step into the hallway.

Kylian is pulling his bedroom door closed, a small blue towel draped over one shoulder. A pair of gray knee-length baggy shorts is slung low on his hips, ready for the gym, sans a top. If I hadn’t just seen what I’d seen, the sight of his chest would have distracted me more than it does.

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