Page 51 of Vicious in the Dark

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Maven flashed me a grateful smile before turning a more solemn expression on Ruthless. The two of them stared long and hard at one another.

Finally Ruthless said, “You know, Mads, it’s not a terrible idea. If we can get better intel on Archer’s upcoming business dealings, we’ll be able to do real damage to his empire. Maybe work our way back into having the upper hand.”

I never knew what to expect from Ruthless anymore, but his agreement left me pleasantly surprised. It must have surprised Maddox too. His eyes widened, and he lashed out, slamming a fist into the drywall next to the thermostat. Then he stormed from the room without a word, leaving the rest of us in awkward silence.



“I can’t believe you won’t let me come. We’re not kids anymore, Mave. I can help.” Rumer stood behind me, scrutinizing my reflection in the mirror.

I tugged a ginger-colored wig onto my head, adjusting it so it sat just right. Even though most of Archer’s people didn’t know me, several of them did. I didn’t want to make it too easy for them to identify me, which is why I wore a long-sleeved crop top to hide my Hale Syndicate tattoo.

“That’s a hard no. Our parents would disown me if they found out that I took you into an Archer hangout.” Leaning in close to the mirror, I fixed the edge of a fake eyelash. “You just feel guilty because you kicked me out. It’s cool though. You know I still love you.”

Rumer’s reflection affected a dramatic pout. “I feel like a dick, but hopefully you’ll have your own place soon. Need any help with the search?”

“I viewed a place this morning, but it was a total shithole. Still waiting on another place to call me back.” I ran a brush gently through the wig, making sure it looked as natural as possible.

I’d left the house before Maddox emerged from his bedroom. Nobody made any attempt to stop me. An Uber brought me back to Rumer’s for my car, which I used to view the apartment from hell before returning to hang out and visit my kitty. I may have been eager to get out of Maddox’s house, but not bad enough to live in a moldy apartment.

In the two days since Wolfe and Ace came to check on me, Maddox had kept himself busy. He’d been gone more often than not. The one time we’d interacted briefly in the kitchen he’d spoken in short, clipped sentences. When I tried to bring up the plan, he cut me off, saying he had somewhere to be.

Maddox never had been good at dealing with his emotions. Plagued by guilt, anger, and worry, he’d retreated into himself. He’d once come to me at times like this. Instead, he’d taken a bottle of whiskey into his bedroom after getting home last night and stayed there. Several times I had to stop myself from going to his bedroom. As long as we both held grudges from the past, there would be no healing. I didn’t know how to fix this. I didn’t even know if that was possible.

“You look good as a redhead,” Rumer said, touching one of the wig’s curls. “I don’t think anyone will recognize you with all that makeup. At least, not at first.”

“That’s the plan. Think I can fit a blade in my cleavage?” Wiggling my brows, I winked at my heavily made-up self in the mirror and turned to find Akasha rolling around at my feet.

Rumer squinted, assessing my boosted breasts. “I wouldn’t think so, but knowing you, it’ll work. Where don’t you fit a blade? Never mind. I don’t want to know. Is Maddox coming with you?”

I bent to pet the little black and white ball of fur, giving extra scratches behind her left ear, just how I knew she liked it. “I have no idea. He sent one of his guys to follow me around, but Maddox has barely spoken to me since Wolfe and Ace showed up. The four of them have a lot of shit to work out, stuff they’ve been avoiding that they can’t avoid any more now that I’m back.”

“Do you think they can work it out? It’s been a long time.” Rumer followed me from the bathroom to the kitchen and dug a bag of Flamin’ Hot Cheetos from the cupboard.

I wrinkled my nose and waved the bag away when she offered it to me. “I’d like to think so. The vibes between them were so wrong the other night. It’s a choice they’ll all have to make. I can’t do it for them.”

Pulling a bag of cat treats from the cupboard, I shook them to make Akasha come running. I smiled as she raced toward me mewing excitedly. Leaving her here sucked ass, but it was the best option for now. Soon we’d be getting settled into our new place.

“I know it goes without saying,” Rumer said between crunchy mouthfuls. “But be careful out there, Mave. You’ve been out of the syndicate for a long time.”

“I’m still out of the syndicate. This has nothing to do with either Hale brother. This is me telling Archer that if he wants to fuck with me, I’ll fuck right back. If any of the guys want to be part of it, they’re welcome to, but I’m not doing this on their behalf.” I shook out a small handful of treats and watched Akasha inhale them in record time.

“Yeah, that’s what I’m afraid of. Don’t get in over your head, okay? I need you.” As she stuffed another Cheeto in her mouth, Rumer offered me a cheesy smile.

“Don’t worry about me, butthead. Worry about the flaming hot shit you’re going to have later.” I gave her a playful punch in the shoulder before tossing the cat treats back into the cupboard.

Only one thing left. I busied myself securing my knife sheaths to my body. One on my forearm beneath my long sleeve, another high up on my thigh beneath my short skirt, and a third tucked into my knee-high boots.

“Very funny.” Rumer appeared behind me, crunching away. “Doesn’t matter anyway. It’s not like I have anywhere to go. I’m done with Axle. Snake too. One’s a creep, and the other is looking for a mother not a girlfriend.”

“You don’t say,” I drawled, heavy on the sarcasm.

Rumer rolled her eyes and plopped onto the couch. “Yeah, yeah, I know. My taste in men is garbage.”

She wore a fuzzy bathrobe, her hair in a messy bun atop her head. Her comfy vibes tempted me to slip into loose clothes and join her on the couch. The promise of danger and excitement was stronger.

My phone pinged, and I pulled it from my purse to find a message from Wolfe. He was waiting downstairs. I stole a minute to give Akasha a good chin rub before striding to the door. “All right, I’m out of here. I’ll call you tomorrow. Give my girl lots of love.”
