Page 11 of Sinful God

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The deadbolt slid into place with a devastating thud. Like anyone in my situation would, I grabbed the doorknob, trying desperately to open the door. It didn’t budge.

An enraged cry tore from me. I beat on the door with my fists, shouting for them to let me out. When it became painfully clear that they weren’t going to do that, I ran across the room to the window. It was high up the wall and not all that big. I stood on the bed to get a better look. That’s when I realized they’d used a heavy metal bar to wedge it closed from the outside. Not only that, they’d also piled several concrete blocks as a barricade in case I chose to bust through the glass.

“Fucking psychotic,” I muttered, glancing around the room. There was nothing here to help me.

Reaching for my phone, I found it missing from my pocket. It must have fallen on the floor upstairs when Havoc pulled my pants down. Goddamn him.

Needing to release the swell of rage tightening my chest, I punched a hole in the wall. My knuckles crashed through the drywall, dust settling on the carpet. Not feeling any better, I sat heavily on the bed. Tears of frustration filled my eyes. I swiped them away with the back of my hand, muttering curses to the so-called Gods upstairs.

They couldn’t lock me away forever. I was going to make them regret letting me get so close.



The one perk of being locked in the basement bedroom alone was just that. Being alone. No self-appointed gods to harass and paw at me. The downside was having no bathroom. What were those sadistic bastards thinking?

When the door finally opened in the morning, my bladder was bursting. I’d already begun to consider ways to tear the door off its hinges. Havoc entered the room, his gaze going to the hole I’d punched in the wall. His jeans were low slung on his hips, his black t-shirt showing off the arrow inked on his inner forearm. Why did such a dick have to be so hot without even trying?

“Was that really necessary?” he asked, a dark brow arched inquisitively.

“Was it really necessary to torture me by locking me in a room with no damn bathroom?” Disgusted by his absolute audacity, I grabbed my bag and stormed past him.

Havoc was right behind me as I ascended the stairs. I needed a bathroom with a shower.

“Get ready for class. Gage will wait for you.”

“Excuse me?” I glanced back over my shoulder as I reached the main floor. “I don’t need Gage to hold my hand. I can get to class on my own.”

Havoc waved my retort away. “It’s non-negotiable. Don’t argue. After what happened last night, I’m not taking any chances. We’re not letting you out of our sight.”

“You know what, Havoc?” I opened my mouth, ready to let him have it. The glimmer of amusement in his eyes stopped me. “Never mind.”

Without another word, I continued up to the second floor and into Havoc’s bathroom. I had nothing left to say to any of them. Not after last night. They’d marked me, collared me, and now caged me. What was left for them to do? Did I even want to know?

A shower helped me feel refreshed. It did nothing to calm my simmering temper. I went through the motions of doing my hair and makeup. Trying to focus on each mundane task proved difficult when all I wanted to do was burn this entire house to the ground. Not wanting to show any skin in front of these animals, I wore a simple jeans and t-shirt combo.

I gathered everything I would need for the day and went in search of my phone. Someone had placed it on the kitchen table. I scooped it up and stuffed it in my back pocket.

“Good morning,” Knight said. He gestured to the coffee pot. “Coffee? Toast?”

I let my scathing glare pass over him, saying nothing. Gage watched me over the rim of his mug, like he knew I was about to blow and wanted a front row seat. I let him feel the weight of my glare as well. Ignoring Havoc completely, I stalked from the room and headed for the front door.

“Raina, what the hell?” Havoc called after me. “You can’t just take off.”

Flinging the front door open, I pulled out the keys to my dad’s SUV. Behind me I heard Havoc tell Gage to catch up with me. I quickened my pace, hoping to get into the vehicle before Gage could stop me from leaving without him.

“What’s your problem, Doll?” Gage’s voice rang out behind me. “Don’t even think about leaving without me. I’ll make your life hell all day in class.”

He would do it too. Cursing him inside my head, I got into the SUV and waited. I didn’t so much as glance in Gage’s direction when he got inside the vehicle. Staring straight ahead, I started the engine and checked my mirrors. I did my best to pretend he wasn’t even there.

“Not going to talk to me, huh? Is that what this is?” Gage settled back in his seat, flipping down the visor. “Not much of a punishment. Nice try, Cherry Pie. You have to talk eventually.”

We’d see about that. I had nothing to say to any of them right now. I kept driving, not acknowledging him in any manner.

We were almost to campus when Gage asked, “Is this really because of last night? We told you that we’d let you out and we did. What’s the big deal?”

My hands tightened on the wheel. I didn’t know how much more of this shit I could take. At least the man who’d chased me last night didn’t play games and find new ways to torture me. I almost preferred my odds with him.
