Page 12 of Sinful God

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Walking from the parking lot to the school with Gage yattering at me tested my patience. I clutched my bag, concentrating on putting one foot in front of the other. Once we were in class, he would have to shut up.

“Come on, Raina. You know you can’t freeze me out all day. You’ve got to be just dying to tell me off.”

He was right about that one. I stared straight ahead as I stalked through the halls to our first class. I’d hoped to escape him inside the classroom. Unfortunately, he grabbed my arm and forced me along to a seat at the back.

I jerked my arm from his grasp and sat down. What did I have to do to get away from these guys? Last night had crossed a line for me. Being locked in that room had done something. All I wanted was to get away from them.

Maybe I should take off, go to my father and have him get this collar off me. Of course that would mean telling him about the person working with Nikki and about the Gods themselves. He didn’t know they’d claimed me as their property. I didn’t want to share anything that would reignite the war between my dad and Havoc’s dad. It was my problem. I should handle it. I knew that at some point I’d have to tell him about the stalker working with Nikki. But then I’d have him being all overbearing too.

The thought of returning to the Gods’ house didn’t sit well with me. I refused to spend another night in that basement. I’d rather find a way to hide this collar until I could remove it and crash at my dad’s. The guys would never come for me there.

While Professor Harper spoke, I tuned out. I hadn’t slept well, all things considered. I brainstormed ways to get away from Gage long enough to haul ass to my dad’s house. Maybe a trip to the restroom.

Aware of Gage watching my every move, I started to slide out of my seat. He caught my wrist, holding me in place. He raised both brows in a silent demand.

“Am I not allowed to piss?” I whispered, trying to tug free.

“You have two minutes.” Releasing my wrist, Gage made a show of opening the timer on his phone.

I fired a vicious glower at him, my temper rising when he chuckled. I slipped from the room, careful not to disturb anyone. Once outside the classroom, I released the breath I’d been holding.

The first place I went was the restroom. If Gage checked this stupid tracker, I wanted him to see that I was where I said I was going to be. Having only two minutes put me in a tough spot. I’d have to run for it. Leave the building and run like hell to my car. As long as I beat them to my dad’s, I’d be safe. Too bad I’d have to leave my things behind. Maybe Clover could grab them for me.

I popped into the restroom only for proof that I’d been there. Then I opened the door, scanned the hallway for any sign of Gage, and took off. I speed walked my way out of the building before breaking into a run. Sprinting along the sidewalk toward the parking lot, I dodged around people that I passed, not letting anything slow me down. Upon reaching the parking lot, I thought surely this was too easy. That’s because it was.

Gage’s shout rang out behind me. A glance over my shoulder revealed him pounding along the pavement in pursuit. This fucker definitely tracked me.

I picked up the pace, my lungs heaving as I ran at full speed. Hoping to lose him or slow him down, I weaved between cars, moving from one row to another. For a moment I thought I’d lost him. I could see the SUV in the distance.

Gage suddenly emerged from between two cars. He tackled me to the ground, covering my mouth with a hand to muffle my scream. The breath was crushed from me when I landed. Gage’s weight atop me didn’t help.

“Where the fuck do you think you’re going?” he snarled, fighting to control my arms as I swung wildly.

My fist connected with his face, splitting open his bottom lip. He caught my hand before I could get in another one. The laugh that spilled from Gage was downright evil. Blood dripped from his cut lip to spatter my face.

“I’m going to stay with my dad. I refuse to spend another night locked in your basement. You’ll have to kill me first.” I grunted, trying furiously to wipe the blood off my cheek. It was too reminiscent of his cum being in the very same place last night.

Gage turned his head to spit blood on the ground next to us. Grabbing hold of my arms, he rose, dragging me up with him. He made a half assed attempt at smoothing my disheveled hair down.

“Jesus Christ, you’re a fucking maniac, you know that?” He laughed as he wiped the rest of the blood from my cheek. “Fine. You can take my room. I’ll take the basement. Would that make you happy?”

“Nothing about any of this makes me happy.” My voice rose, carrying through the parking lot as I tried to pull free of Gage. He refused to let go.

A voice I didn’t recognize made us both freeze. “Is there a problem here? Are you hassling this lady, Corwin?”

Gage glanced over at the newcomer. His hold on me tightened possessively. “Eat shit, Keller. Just having words with my goddess here. It’s all good.”

Keller. I frowned, trying to puzzle out why that sounded familiar. Then it clicked. This must be Daire Keller. One of the Angels, according to Clover.

Daire was kind of a hottie. His short black hair was disheveled in a devil may care manner. A small black lightning bolt inked beneath the outer corner of one eye managed to be sexy. Or maybe that was the dark glare he fixed on Gage. His green eyes flashed with the promise of violence.

His gaze met mine. “Do you need me to get involved?”

Ah, choices. So easily I could say yes and have him and Gage at each other’s throats. I would definitely have a chance to ditch Gage then. Eyeing up each of them made me not so sure it was a good idea. If they fought and someone was seriously injured or worse, it would be on me. Gage kind of deserved it but Daire wasn’t part of this. There was no need to change that.

“No, I’m fine. Thank you.” I gave Daire an appreciative smile.

He lingered, like he knew I was bullshitting him. Ultimately, he had to take my word for it. “Cool. If that changes, come find me. I’m Daire. Don’t believe anything Gage says about me.”
