Page 14 of Sinful God

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A wicked smile stole over her beautiful face.Well played, Goddess. Despite everything we’d thrown at her so far, Raina managed to hold her own.

Havoc waved a hand to dismiss her idea. “Very funny, Bad Girl. Do you think we’re stupid enough to fall for that? We’ll be the ones calling the shots so why don’t you just—”

“Let’s do it,” Gage broke in. “What’s wrong, Havoc? Scared to fight me?”

Despite his teasing tone, Gage’s expression was stone cold serious. I wasn’t sure I liked where this was going. Sliding Raina a curious glance, I wondered if she might secretly be an evil genius.

“Fuck off,” Havoc laughed. “Don’t be so easily goaded. Let’s order something to eat before we party. Anyone want pizza? I’ll order extra hot wings.”

He dismissed Gage by turning his back. Leaning on the island counter, Havoc opened a takeout delivery app on his phone. He didn’t see Gage stand up but the sound of his chair sliding along the floor made Havoc tense.

It made me tense too. The problem with Havoc and Gage was that they were so much alike. For the most part, they were usually on the same page with just about everything. However, those rare occasions when they didn’t see eye to eye proved to be especially volatile.

“Come on, Havoc. Don’t be a pussy.” Gage sauntered up,holding his hands out at his sides. “I’ll even let you take the first shot.”

Gage plucked the joint from between his lips and passed it to Raina. He leaned on the counter next to Havoc, his face alight with amusement. Havoc’s fingers tightened on the edge of the counter.

He turned to face Gage, his jaw clenched. “You’re not going to drop this, are you?”

“Hell no. I want that first night alone with Raina. What’s wrong? Don’t think you can take me?” Gage gave Havoc a playful shove that bordered on serious.

Deciding that this had gone far enough, I raised a hand. “Okay, that’s enough. Nobody needs to fight. If you guys insist on doing this, wrestle out in the backyard. Nobody needs to get hurt.”

Gage frowned. He didn’t want to wrestle. Crazy fucker wanted to fight. I wasn’t interested in cleaning up blood tonight.

“Fine.” Havoc spoke between gritted teeth. “I’ll wrestle you for it, Gage. Try anything dirty and I’ll fuck you up.”

A gleeful smile lit up Raina’s face. Turning to me, she said, “Now things are getting interesting around here.”

She almost skipped outside after Gage and Havoc. With a roll of my eyes, I went after them. Someone had to referee.

Havoc tore his t-shirt off and flung it at Raina. She made no attempt to catch it, letting it hit her arm and fall to the ground. Catching my eye, she handed me what was left of the joint.

“Here you go, cutie.” Raina blew a lock of hair out of her face. “Want the rest of this?”

I accepted the joint, finding it hard to take my gaze off her. Something about Raina had hooked me from the very first meeting. Since then it had grown substantially. Maybe it had been the way she’d glared daggers at Havoc as he poured beer over her head. Maybe it was how hard she’d fought when we caught her in the woods. The memory of being balls deep in her pussy was almost enough to make me challenge the winner of this ridiculous little show.

The sound of two bodies colliding jerked my focus from Raina. Gage had tackled Havoc. The two of them rolled around on the grass grappling for control. Raina let out a little whoop of delight. Yeah, she was definitely an evil genius. She knew exactly what she was doing by manipulating these idiots into a wrestling match.

“Watch out for the pool,” she called when they almost rolled right in. “Damn, this is great entertainment. Feel free to jump in, Knight.”

“You’d love that, wouldn’t you?” I winced when Gage used an aggressive arm across Havoc’s throat to pin him.

“I’m not sure,” Raina replied mischievously. “I’ll have to see it to know for certain.”

Havoc twisted his body, throwing Gage off. They both sprang to their feet, circling each other. Gage moved first, rushing Havoc. Ready for it, Havoc bent down low. He caught Gage by the waist and used his momentum to lift him up and over. Gage hit the grass flat on his back.

“Motherfucker,” he groaned. Rolling over, he was back up quickly, ready for more.

He went at Havoc again. This time Gage grabbed Havoc around the waist, barreling into him at full strength. The two of them went down. Gage worked to get Havoc into an arm bar. That was a serious move. If these two started throwing down for real, I’d have to separate them. I wasn’t too keen on that. I’d learned long ago not to let them fight it out. It only ended in bloodshed and insults.

No matter how many times they’d fought, nothing had ever come between them. The three of us were tight. I didn’t think anything could ever change that.

I glanced at Raina. She watched intently as Havoc got free of Gage’s hold. She wore satisfaction like a second skin. I got the feeling that Havoc didn’t know what he was getting us all into when he brought her here.

Havoc managed to get Gage into a headlock. He held tight, forcing Gage’s face to redden. “Tap out or I choke you out.”

Gage resisted. Stubborn as fuck. I expected him to pass out. Instead, he jammed an elbow into Havoc’s stomach. When Havoc’s hold loosened, Gage punched him in the face.
