Page 13 of Sinful God

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With that parting remark, Daire set off toward the school. When he was out of earshot, I let Gage have a taste of my temper.

“Would you please let go of me now? I’ve had enough of you, Gage. Enough of all of you. I’d rather take my chances with the stalker. You’re a possessive asshole with a hard on for torment. It’s messed up. You’re messed up. Now get your damn hands off me.”

Gage pretty much laughed right in my face. “Feel better now? Can we go back to class? Trying to get an education here.”

I wasn’t sure that I’d ever experienced the kind of rage that Gage caused. I let him see the absolute loathing in my eyes. Not that I expected him to care.

When I noticed Daire pause at the edge of the parking lot and glance back at us, I let Gage pull me along with him. I didn’t want to cause trouble between the Gods and the Angels. Not yet anyway.



The sound of raised voices reached me as I approached the front door. The volume grew significantly as I stepped inside. Raina and Havoc were at it again. Well, at least she was talking to us now.

I dropped my things on the couch in the front sitting room before crossing into the kitchen. Havoc and Raina stood on opposite sides of the kitchen island while Gage lounged at the table. He caught my eye as I entered and smirked. He always had loved trouble.

“What’s going on?” I asked, going to the fridge for a beer.

“Raina took off again,” Gage said in a childish sing-song tone. “I had to chase her down in the parking lot. She was going to take off to her dad’s. For shame, Cherry Pie. For shame.”

“Are you trying to stir up the shit between our parents?” Havoc demanded, having eyes only for Raina. “Why the hell would you want to do that?”

“Of course not,” Raina bit out. Her hand rested on one hip in a sassy stance. “I wasn’t going to tell my father anything. I just wanted to get away from you damn heathens. If you expect me to stay here, then give me a room of my own. Even a dog gets its own kennel, right?”

Her other hand drifted to the collar around her neck. The fury that flashed across her face made me do a double take. I suspected that we greatly underestimated the depths of Raina’s anger.

Havoc fell silent. He studied her intently, his expression unreadable.

“I told her that she could have my room.” Gage tucked a joint between his lips and lit it up. “I’ll take the basement.”

“Your room?” Havoc frowned. “Screw that. She can have my room.”

“What about my room?” I joined in, just to be a dick. “It’s cleaner than both of your rooms put together. When was the last time you dirty fucks washed your sheets?”

Raina recoiled with visible disgust. “What difference does it make whose room I stay in? I plan to stay alone.”

“That’s what you think,” Gage muttered around the joint. “You owe us, Baby Girl. Especially me. Eventually, we’re going to collect.”

Raina raised a hand to silence him. “Can you just not talk right now? Mmkay? Thanks.”

Gage regarded her with cool disdain. He puffed away on the joint in silence. I knew him though. He was plotting.

“You can stay in my room,” Havoc declared. “With me.”

Raina’s blonde tresses bounced as she vigorously shook her head. “Fuck that. I want my own space. I’m starting to think that taking my chances with the stalker is the better deal. You guys are impossible.”

“Christ, Havoc, let her take my room.” Releasing a plume of smoke above his head, Gage’s brow quirked upward. “Why do you care so much anyway? Afraid I’ll sneak in there at night and have my way with her and you’ll be none the wiser?”

That was exactly what Havoc wanted to avoid. He’d formed an obsession with owning Raina in every way. He was happy to share her with us as long as we didn’t usurp his position as leader. Because Havoc was an Alexander and Raina a Monroe, he felt entitled to her. Like she was his before she was ours. I didn’t have much of an opinion on that at this point. Although I didn’t trust it not to become an issue between Gage and Havoc.

“Something like that,” Havoc confirmed. “You shouldn’t be alone with her.”

Gage scoffed. “No argument here. That’s not going to stop me though.”

The two of them locked eyes. I didn’t like the way they looked at each other. It usually led to the two of them doing something absolutely fucked up together. Either that or they threw some punches.

Raina gave a strangled cry of frustration and stormed to the fridge. She helped herself to the vodka in the freezer. “I can’t take much more of you guys. Having the stalker take me out at this point would be a blessing. Maybe you two should fight for it. Winner determines whose room I stay in. Hey, let’s make it really interesting. Whoever wins can have me all to themselves the first night.”
