Page 27 of Sinful God

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I made a half-assed attempt to cover the marks on my neck too. It wasn’t easy. Mine definitely looked a lot less sexy times and a lot more assault victim.

We left Clover’s room and headed down the hall. I wasn’t really the hanging out on campus type. Sitting at the Gods’ house waiting for them to come back would drive me nuts. I needed a way to occupy myself. I assumed that they’d call or message when they got home and found me gone. They’d know exactly where I was anyway thanks to the damn collar.

As we ventured down the hallway, I heard footfalls right behind us. At least, I thought I did. I whirled around, expecting to find a student going to their dorm room. Nothing there. I must be losing it.

We rounded the corner headed for the main hall that would take us to the student hang out room on this floor. There was a large rec room on a lower level. I expected it to be a bit too busy for my liking.

Again I was sure that I heard someone walking behind us. I turned back to see someone dart around the corner out of sight. My skin crawled. Normally I was a fighter. Ready to punch a fucker in the face. This time my instinct told me to run.

That was ridiculous. We were inside the residence building. There were a lot of people in this building. It had to be safe, didn’t it?

Noticing that I’d paused, Clover stopped. “What’s up? Is something wrong?”

That’s when the masked man burst around the corner, running straight for us. There was a momentary delay before my feet got moving.

“Run,” I shouted. Grabbing Clover’s hand, I pulled her with me as I took off.

It wasn’t all that late yet. Just late enough for the study hard types to be locked away in their rooms for the rest of the night. Why did the halls have to be so empty? Where was everyone else? Probably partying at a frat house or the bar down the street.

Clover let out a little shriek when she caught sight of our pursuer. Holding tight to my hand, she ran like the wind. Soon she was dragging me along.

We reached the bank of elevators. The man was too close for us to wait for one. We kept running past the elevators to the stairwell. We went down. It was easier to run down than up. There would be someone on the main floor. There was a front desk and the rec room down there. If we could get to a place with people, we’d be safe.

The man leapt down the stairs five at a time. He caught up fast. Grabbing hold of Clover’s hair, he jerked her away from me.

“Don’t,” I shouted, holding up both hands. “You don’t want her. Leave her out of this.”

His cold eyes darted between Clover and me. He shoved her so suddenly. There was no way to grab her. Clover tumbled down the stairs to the next floor’s landing. Her scream echoed through the stairwell.

I didn’t think, I just reacted. My fist nailed the guy in the throat. Unfortunately, he caught my arm before I could pull back. His hand was tight on my wrist, pressing against the bruises there. He reached into a pocket then. I knew it was a bad idea to let him get whatever he was going for. I only had to see the plunger tip of a hypodermic needle to swiftly react.

I went for his knee, savagely kicking the side of it as hard as I could. His pained bellow reverberated through the stairwell. Once his grip loosened, I pulled free and raced down the stairs to Clover.

She got to her feet with a wince, waving a hand for me to hurry. “Zane’s room is on this floor. Let’s go there.”

She jerked the door to the second floor open. I almost knocked her down in my haste to get away from the masked man. Tripping over my own feet as I glanced back for him didn’t help.

Clover clutched my forearm, pulling me with her. She limped slightly from the fall. Halfway down the hall, she stopped at a door, and began pounding on the surface.

“Zane,” she called. “If you’re in there, you have to let me in right now. Please.”

The masked bastard had just appeared at the end of the hall when Zane opened his door. We burst inside, shoving him out of the way as we slammed and locked the door. Clover peered out the peephole, watching for our pursuer.

“What the hell was that all about?” Zane blinked at us in confusion. “What’s going on?”

“Some guy is chasing us,” Clover panted, leaning heavily against the door.

“Technically, he’s chasing me.” I placed a hand over my pounding heart. To Clover I whispered, “Do you see him?”

“What? Who’s chasing you? Let me see.” Zane pulled Clover away from the door. Throwing it open, he strode out into the hallway. He turned a full three sixty. “There’s nobody out here.”

“Motherfucker.” I paced the short length of Zane’s room. He had underwear on his floor. I sincerely doubted it was clean.

After making sure that Clover wasn’t seriously hurt, I pulled out my phone. With a sigh of defeat, I called Havoc.


