Page 28 of Sinful God

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“What the fuck were you thinking? Are you trying to get yourself killed?” Havoc turned in the passenger seat of my SUV to glare at me while he bitched.

He’d responded quickly to my text. All three Gods had come to the dorm to get me after Clover and I holed up in Zane’s room. Knight and Gage had driven Havoc’s car home while he jumped in with me. The entire drive had been spent listening to him berate me for taking off.

“I was thinking that I deserve to have a social life, and I wanted to hang with a friend. How could I have known that guy would get inside the residence and come after me?” I slowed as we approached a red light.

“How could you not have known?” Havoc fired back. “I got into that building when I wanted a piece of you. So did Gage.”

“Don’t remind me,” I muttered, staring straight ahead. I didn’t want to see the scowl I knew Havoc wore.

“You clearly need some reminding. You need to brush up on your self-defense too. As soon as we get home, we’re going to the backyard to spar.” Havoc was silent for a moment before adding, “Are you okay? He didn’t hurt you, did he?”

Frowning hard at the thought of being forced to spar with these dicks, I shook my head. “No. He hurt Clover’s ankle, but she’ll be okay.”

Havoc pulled out his phone, tapping around on the screen. “I guess I’ll order food since you never did. What do you feel like having?”

I had to stop myself from doing a double take. Since when did he care what I wanted? “Um, I don’t know. Thai maybe?”

I’d missed out on dinner with Clover. Now that the fear had faded, my stomach was grumbling.

“Fine. We’ll eat after you practice some self-defense.” Havoc put the order through, surprising me.

“I don’t need to practice self-defense,” I protested as we turned onto the Gods’ street. “I can throw a punch just fine, thank you.”

“That doesn’t mean shit. Anyone can throw a punch. You need to know what to do when someone grabs you the way this guy wants to. Don’t argue. It’s happening.” Havoc opened the car door and hopped out as soon as we pulled up in front of the house.

Muttering to myself in annoyance, I got out and followed him up the walk. He paused, waiting for me to get in front of him. Then he glanced back, scouring the street. The streetlight fell across his face, illuminating the bruise forming on his cheek.

“What happened with the Angels?” I asked as he ushered me into the house. “Looks like you’ve got a little something there.”

Havoc waved a hand dismissively. “It’s nothing. You should see the other guy.”

“How bad was it?” I pressed, letting him push me on through to the kitchen and living room. “Do you really think it’s a good idea to encourage those guys to keep hitting back?”

“It’s fine, Raina. Really. They got what they deserved for fucking with Gage. Don’t worry about the Angels.”

Knight and Gage were in the kitchen when we entered. The former stood near the pantry eating cookies while the latter sat at the table rolling a joint. Knight had a faint bruise on his jaw but otherwise looked fine. Gage was obviously in the worst shape. He seemed to have added a few marks to the bunch he already sported.

“Time for another punishment?” Gage’s eyes gleamed with malicious delight as he looked me over. “You know better than that, Cherry Pie. I’m starting to think you love getting that ass spanked.”

“Not tonight,” Havoc cut in. “Raina needs to work on her self-defense. Outside. Let’s go.”

He kept me moving through the house and out the patio door into the yard. The other two were right behind us.

“This is going to be fun,” Gage snickered.

Havoc flicked on the outside lights as we went, lighting up the patio and the yard near the pool. The scent of marijuana filled the air as Gage lit up his joint. He grabbed a chair from the patio, dragging it along the grass. Guess the bastard wanted a front row seat.

“Is this really necessary? I have some work to finish up on my laptop before bed.” I knew that Havoc would never let me get out of it. Still, I had to try.

“Too bad. Drop your phone if you don’t want it to get broken.” Havoc placed his own phone on the patio table before striding into the middle of the yard.

Cursing beneath my breath, I deposited my phone next to his and followed. Knight offered me a sympathetic smile. I rolled my eyes and went to join Havoc.

“All right. I’m going to grab you like an abductor would. You try to get out of it.” Havoc waited for my nod. Then he came at me.

From behind he grabbed me, arms wrapping tight around me. He dragged me backwards, easily pulling me off my feet. With my arms trapped, I flailed against him. I managed to kick his shin but was otherwise screwed.

“Fuck,” I shouted when I failed to get away after several minutes of struggle.
