Page 36 of Sinful God

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Since I wasn’t hungry after having dinner with my dad, I went upstairs to shower and change once we returned to the house. The guys stayed downstairs. I heard the doorbell ring a few times as they ordered food and alcohol.

After showering, I took my time doing my makeup. I went for a dark, smokey eye with a red lip. If Havoc didn’t like it, he could kiss my ass. I did my makeup for me first and foremost. It ticked me off to no end that I couldn’t wear one of my spiked collars because of the goddamn tracking collar locked around my neck. Frowning at my reflection in Gage’s bathroom mirror, I slipped into a black tank top and leggings with rainbow skulls. Comfy but still cute.

My blonde locks fell about my shoulders, bouncing as I descended the stairs. I rubbed my wrists where they were slightly raw from the rope. They were still bruised from Gage. Hopefully we could get through this party without any issues. I’d asked Clover to come. I wanted to hang with my friend and have a good time.

So much for that. As soon as I walked into the kitchen, I knew that wasn’t going to happen. Sitting on the table in front of Havoc was a pair of handcuffs. My stomach dropped.

Pretending not to notice, I went to the fridge and helped myself to a can of cola. I popped it open and took a long, bubbly drink. All three guys stared at me.

Gage and Havoc were casually dressed in jeans and t-shirts. Knight wore a white button down shirt with chinos. His short brown hair had been recently trimmed. It looked good. My gaze lingered on each of them briefly. So hot yet so damn infuriating.

“Can I help you?” I asked, my tone dripping with snark.

Havoc pointed to the free chair at the table. “You sure can. Get your ass over here.”

“Not until you tell me what you plan to do with those.” I nodded to the handcuffs on the table.

“What do you think?” Havoc tossed bones from a chicken leg onto his plate before reaching into the bucket in the center of the table for another. “Come on now, Bad Girl. Play along. You know you want to.”

With a roll of my eyes, I went to the table and sat down in the one free chair. “Let me guess. You’re going to handcuff me this time because the rope wasn’t good enough.”

“Close. You’re half right.” Havoc picked up the cuffs, leaned forward, and quickly snapped one closed around my wrist next to my black cat silhouette tattoo.

He surprised me by sliding his chair closer and locking the second cuff around his own wrist. I gaped at our bound wrists. I didn’t like where this was going.

“What are you doing?” I asked. “Have you lost what little sanity you had?”

“Oh, baby. I’ve never been sane.” Havoc’s laughter sent a chill down my spine. “You and I are going to spend the entire night locked together. And I do mean the whole damn night. Where I go, you go, and vice versa.”

“What if I have to take a shit?” I challenged, knowing that I’d never do such a thing in front of him.

“Then I’ll be right there to hand you the toilet paper,” he smirked. “Better hope that I don’t need to take one.”

I shot an imploring look at Knight, knowing that appealing to Gage for help was useless. “You’re okay with this? Do you ever speak up and put a stop to their bullshit? Or do you secretly love it?”

Knight raised both hands and shrugged. “You should know by now that you’re on your own here, Goddess. It’s not like you need me anyway. I need to get help, remember? I’m just a fucked up freak too.”

Yeah, I guess I had that one coming. “Fine. Fuck you too.”

Havoc meant it when he said we were going to be locked together all night. I was forced to follow him around the kitchen as he cleaned up his supper leftovers and lined the counter with liquor bottles. The first chance I got, I poured myself a strong drink. I’d need it to get through tonight.

Shortly before nine, people started pouring through the front door. I cringed at the thought of them all seeing me handcuffed to Havoc. Instead of showing my discomfort, I played it off like it was no big deal, rolling my eyes and laughing whenever someone commented on it.

I texted Clover before she came, warning her not to be too weirded out when she saw me. As soon as she walked in, she knew why. Her gaze went straight to the handcuffs, then to me. She raised a brow in question. I shrugged and made a face. So much for getting some private girl time. Not that I’d get much anyway. Zane was stuck to her ass like glue.

By eleven the house and the backyard was packed. I was more than a little drunk. What else could I do but imbibe? The problem with imbibing was having to pee. Aw, fuck no.

I sat on the living room couch with Havoc while he did shots with a few guys I didn’t know. When I got the chance, I leaned in to quietly whisper, “I need to pee.”

Havoc tossed back a tequila shot and nodded. “Excuse me, boys. My lady needs to use the facilities. I’ll be back.”

“Did you have to announce it to everyone?” I hissed, all but dragging him to the main floor bathroom.

Someone was inside, forcing me to wait. Screw that. Since the bedrooms were off limits, I dragged him along upstairs instead. The metal cuff dug into my flesh. I didn’t care, as long as it did the same to Havoc.

“Slow down,” he said, jerking on our linked hands.

“Do you want me to piss myself right here on the stairs?” I shook my head in disbelief. “I can’t believe I have to take a piss in front of you. You better not look or I’ll gouge your eyes out.”
