Page 37 of Sinful God

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We entered Havoc’s bedroom and went straight to the bathroom. The toilet was too far from the door to make him wait outside. He had to come in with me.

I groaned, hating every second of this torture. “Don’t look. Turn all the way around.”

Havoc smirked, humoring me by turning away. “I’ll still be able to hear you.”

“Eat a bag of dicks.” Keeping a close eye on him, I awkwardly dropped my pants with my free hand. I did my best to pee against the side of the bowl so it wouldn’t be as loud. It wasn’t easy.

Thankfully, Havoc didn’t once try to turn and look at me. Good. I’d have had to punch him for sure. After washing my hands—with some difficulty thanks to the cuffs—I turned to head back downstairs.

“What about me? Maybe I have to take a piss too.” Havoc’s grin widened. When I simply stared at him in disgust, he added, “Just kidding. I don’t have to go yet.”

We went back down to the main floor and rejoined the party. Havoc wanted to go back to the couch. I wanted to go outside to see Clover. Surprisingly, he relented, following me into the backyard.

“Hey, girl,” Clover greeted me with a tipsy smile. “I see the fun never stops around here.”

She nodded to the cuffs tying me to Havoc. He was enjoying the many comments we received. He lit up like a damn Christmas tree.

“What can I say? Raina insisted. She’s far more twisted and kinky than you think.” He winked at Clover, ignoring my glare.

I couldn’t help but notice that Zane frowned, his expression darkening. It was pretty apparent to me and everyone else at this party that Havoc had no interest in Clover. A simple wink didn’t mean shit. If that was enough to anger Zane, just what kind of guy was he?

“Don’t listen to him.” I clapped my free hand over Havoc’s mouth. “He’s an idiot.”

We hung out with Zane and Clover for a while near the backyard fire. Since she and I couldn’t ditch the guys like I’d hoped, it wasn’t long before something else drew Havoc’s attention. A strip poker game had started up around the large patio table. He dragged me over without warning.

“Count us in,” Havoc said, pulling out a chair and sitting down. To my horror, he pulled me down onto his lap.

Knight was also seated at the table. Not Gage though. He was inside, most likely in the basement snorting lines of coke off some chick’s naked ass. The very thought ignited my fiery temper. Would he do that? After the talk we’d had while I tended his wounds? Probably.

Trying not to think about what Gage was doing, I stared at the hand of cards I’d been dealt. Not looking too good.

I made it through the first few rounds. Two other girls at the table and one of the guys had to shed clothing before I did. Eventually, my time came. I started small, kicking off a shoe, then the other. Then a sock. I couldn’t remove any top items as long as my hand was cuffed to Havoc anyway.

The conversation around the table was mostly related to the game. The drinks continued to flow. In no time, I was pretty drunk. So was everyone else. Drunk enough to say and do some stupid shit.

After losing my leggings, I started to get nervous. There was no way in hell I would be getting naked no matter how bad I lost. A guy across the table, I think his name was Jordan, began to ogle me. I pretended not to notice.

That didn’t stop Jordan from making an incredibly drunken stupid move. In between hands when the cards were being dealt, he leaned across the table, catching Havoc’s eye.

“Hey, Havoc. What will it take for you to lend out your girl? How about if I win the next three rounds, you give me an hour alone with her?”

A grave silence fell over the entire table. Everyone aside from Jordan seemed to realize what a huge mistake he’d made. I tensed on Havoc’s lap, expecting him to lose it. However, it was Knight that snapped.

He stood up so fast his chair overturned. Then his fist was moving, a blur as it slammed into the side of Jordan’s head. The force of the blow knocked Jordan out of his chair.

Knight didn’t stop there. He dragged Jordan up by his hair, feeding punch after punch into his face. The people seated near them vacated their chairs. I gasped, a hand covering my mouth as I watched in shock. Havoc chuckled, enjoying the violence.

“You fucked up, asshole.” Knight gave Jordan a shove, raising his hands to invite retaliation. “Nobody talks like that about our Goddess. We worship her, and so will you.”

I sat there in stunned silence as Knight tried to coax Jordan into a fight. Jordan was understandably reluctant to take a swing. His nose dripped blood onto the patio. Several people in the area shouted for them to fight. I guess that shit didn’t stop after high school.

“That’s right, Knight,” Havoc encouraged. “Make this piece of shit kneel before our Goddess and beg forgiveness.”

Jordan raised both hands. “I’m sorry, okay? Shit, I didn’t know you guys were that serious about her. You’ve never cared this much about a chick before.”

“Yeah, well, things change.” Knight grabbed Jordan by the back of the neck, squeezing hard. He steered him over to where I sat on Havoc’s lap. “On your knees, motherfucker.”

Forcing Jordan down to his knees in front of me, Knight briefly met my gaze. His usually calm brown eyes were wild with fury. I couldn’t deny that it was sexy as hell. It definitely helped that he was shirtless now thanks to the game.
