Page 50 of Sinful God

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“How much of this do you think was about me?” I dared to ask.

Thankfully, his wounds had stopped bleeding. I went to the attached bathroom to rinse the cloth and returned to find that someone had left a glass of water with a bottle of painkillers on the bedside table. I helped Havoc sit up enough to take two pills.

He laid back down with a groan so agonizing it hurt me to hear. “Probably all of it. The guy is loaded. Losing one cash drop isn’t going to break his fucking empire.”

I carefully applied a bandage to a cut on his cheek and another to a gash on his side. Seeing the horror of his wounds up close made me ache to hurt the man responsible. Not the enforcers. Maverick.

Finally, I dared to ask, “Do you want me to go? Maybe it’s better if we part ways before things get any worse.”

Havoc reached for me, his hand surprisingly strong as his fingers wrapped around my wrist. “Don’t you fucking dare leave me, Raina. If he wants us apart that bad, he’ll have to kill me first.”

I flashed back to Maverick’s visit. He wouldn’t stop here. He would keep coming after us, especially me.

“He threatened me,” I heard myself say. “He came here the night you went to do the pickup. He told me to find a way to make you cut me loose. If we don’t part ways, he’s going to kill me, Havoc.”

I let the words hang between us. Havoc’s eyes fluttered closed. I knew he was still awake by the way he held tight to me.

“Then he’ll have to kill me too,” he said, bringing me more relief than he’d ever know. “Come lay with me, Bad Girl. I need to feel you.”

Setting the first aid items on the bedside table, I climbed onto the bed next to him. Wary of hurting him, I got comfortable, pulling the blanket up over us.

Havoc snuggled in close, tightly wrapping me in his arms. For a long time we just laid there together in silence. Eventually, he drifted off. I stayed awake, making sure he was okay.

So much had changed between us. I’d never have thought it would be Havoc’s own father who drove us together after his attempts to tear us apart. I couldn’t help but think it would all get so much worse when he found out his efforts had failed.



“Do you have anything shorter than that? Give them a glimpse of that pussy. You want to get attention, don’t you?” Gage partially sat up from where he sprawled on the couch, giving my outfit a critical onceover.

My skirt was already brushing my thighs. Any shorter and it really would show off my hooha. I also wore a cleavage baring top, showing more skin than I usually did at one time.

Tonight Clover and I were attending a party at the Angels’ house. The Gods were staying home. Obviously, they weren’t welcome. I wasn’t sure if I was but showing up with Clover would help. I doubted any of the Angels would be sober enough to care anyway. I wasn’t going to have a good time. I had an agenda.

“Jesus, Gage. I can’t walk in there with my whole ass hanging out. I don’t need every guy in the place trying to roofie my drink.” I ran my fingers through my blonde waves, turning to Knight and Havoc for their opinion.

“If anyone tries to roofie you, I’ll fucking kill them,” Gage muttered, conveniently forgetting that he’d drugged me once before.

“You look good. They won’t be able to resist you.” Knight nodded approvingly, helping himself to a caress of my ass. His hand dipped beneath my skirt for a full on grab.

I laughed and swatted his hand away. If they started groping at me now, I’d never get to the party on time.

Havoc sat in the recliner in the corner. He’d spent the last two days in bed. Today he’d ventured down to the main floor. Although he was still in rough shape, he seemed to be doing a lot better.

“Hot as hell, Bad Girl. Do whatever it takes to get one of those dumb fucks to let their guard down, but don’t let them touch you.” Havoc leaned forward to grab the hem of my skirt. He pulled me onto his lap, wincing in pain. That didn’t stop him from settling me on his cock.

“They won’t touch me. I’ll have a little friend along to make sure of that.” Reaching into my boot, I pulled out the knife I’d stashed there. Gage had given me the small switchblade this morning.

“We won’t be far away,” Havoc said, shoving his groin up into my ass. “Check in every twenty minutes. If we don’t hear from you, we’re coming in to get you.”

“Oh please,” I scoffed. “You can barely walk without a headache. Don’t do anything stupid. I’ll be fine.”

“We can walk just fine.” Gage motioned to himself and Knight. “If anything goes wrong, call or text. And if we don’t hear from you every twenty minutes, we’ll be there in a heartbeat.”

That was the last thing I wanted. My plan was to go into the Angel party and seduce one of them, most likely Daire. He’d seemed like a sure thing. Once I had him right where I wanted him, I’d find out where they stashed the money they’d stolen from Havoc. Hopefully they hadn’t burned through a hundred grand that fast.

My phone dinged with a message from Clover letting me know that she and Lyra were outside. I scrambled off Havoc’s lap, shoved the knife back into my boot, and hurried for the door. Nervous excitement quickened my pace.
