Page 51 of Sinful God

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“Wow,” Clover commented when I slid into the backseat of Lyra’s bulky SUV. “I’m surprised the Gods let you go anywhere without them. What’s up with that?”

I’d told her about the Angels stealing the money from the guys. I’d also lightly touched on Maverick wanting me to stay away from his son. For her own safety, I’d left out a few key details. Sometimes it was better not to overshare. Since she was the closest friend I’d had in a long time, I told her as much as I could.

“I told them I needed a girls’ night out,” I explained with a shrug. “Since they can track my every move, they were cool with it.”

Clover didn’t know about my plan to rob the Angels of the money they’d stolen from the Gods. It was safer this way.

Lyra glanced at me through the rearview mirror, her gaze lingering on the collar around my neck. “Ugh. All men are scum. I’m so done with them.”

Considering how her stepbrother had treated her, I imagined that Lyra didn’t have much luck with guys. Jet seemed like the type to chase them away. He’d obviously staked his claim. But that was none of my business.

The party was already well under way by the time we arrived. People flowed in and out of the house. I followed the girls into the kitchen where the drinks were piled on the counter. Since she was driving, Lyra only had a glass of root beer. Clover and I helped ourselves to the booze. I didn’t plan to drink much. I wanted to keep a clear head for what I’d come here to do.

There were several kegs littered about as well as more bottles on the counter than I could count. Most of the party had spilled into the backyard where a bonfire blazed. We paused here and there to make small talk with friends and acquaintances from campus. It was nice to hang with Clover without Zane ruining it. Apparently, he had some new job working security in the evening for a local casino.

“Would you just go talk to him already?” Lyra nudged Clover, nodding to where Blaze Bixby stood near the fire with a few other guys.

I followed her gaze, perking up when I spotted Daire with him. He’d already shown interest in me. All I had to do was convince him that I was done with the Gods. I was banking on him taking any opportunity to steal me from them.

“I don’t know,” Clover said with a coy smile. “I’m kind of seeing Zane, and I doubt Blaze would be interested. I don’t seem like his type.”

I eyed Blaze’s shaggy dirty blond hair and his rocker guy attire. He wore a leather jacket and torn jeans, a black beanie hanging off the back of his head. Next to Clover’s rainbow skirt and purple top, he did look like he ran in a different crowd. Since when did that matter?

“Are you kidding?” I asked, taking a sip of my vodka. “Pretty sure anyone with a vagina is Blaze’s type. Besides, you’re cute as fuck. As if he could resist you.”

Lyra frowned. “How serious is it with Zane? You’re not exclusive, are you?”

The way she said it made me suspect that she wasn’t a fan of Zane either. So I wasn’t the only one who got bad vibes from him.

“No, not really. We just hooked up a couple times.” Clover shrugged and chugged back all of her drink in a few swallows. “I need at least one more drink before I’ll have the courage to go over there.”

“It’s cool. I’ll go with you. I kind of wanted to talk to Daire anyway.” I pretended not to notice the way both Lyra and Clover gawked at me.

“Seriously?” Clover pressed. “After what happened last time with Gage?”

I shrugged and finished my drink, letting the warm tingles of alcohol spread through me. “Well, Gage isn’t here this time. Might as well have some fun.”

After a second drink for me and a third for Clover, she was finally ready to go talk to the Angels. Lyra opted to hang with a friend from class instead. She was probably worried that Jet would appear and make her sorry for talking to any guy that wasn’t him.

This time Zane didn’t burst in to ruin it. We had a straight path over to where the Angels stood drinking and sharing a joint. Clover was nervous, dragging her feet. I led the way, far more confident than her. Of course, I was there for other reasons.

Daire glanced over as we drew closer. His green eyes locked on me as a smile curved his lips. He glanced around behind me, most likely checking for the Gods. Nope. Just me.

I beamed a flirtatious smile at him as we approached. “Hey, Daire. I just wanted to apologize for what happened last time. I hope you won’t hold it against me.”

Daire’s grin widened. He cocked his head to one side, giving me a head to toe onceover. “Not at all. Everyone knows Gage is a loose cannon. Where is he anyway?”

My expression turned sly as I said, “Not here.”

“Happy to hear it,” he replied, eating up my obvious but silent invitation. “Maybe we can get to know each other a little better this time.”

“I certainly hope so.” Motioning to Clover, I added, “This is Clover.”

Daire introduced himself before introducing both Cash and Blaze. Cash was somewhat preoccupied with another girl who kept finding ways to touch him while she laughed at nothing. Blaze took in the sight of Clover and let out a low whistle.

“Damn, girl. You’re a colorful little thing, aren’t you? Cute as fuck too.” His amber brown eyes lit up at the sight of her. “Let me help you find another drink.”

Blaze slid an arm around Clover’s shoulders, steering her toward the house. That had been too easy. I hoped Daire proved as easy to score with. Not that I planned to touch him more than I had to. I was here with only one thing in mind.
