Page 53 of Sinful God

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“What the fuck, Raina? I knew you were wild but that might be crossing some lines. What do you plan to do with that thing?” Daire’s eyes were wide. He began to strain against the fabric holding him bound.

I twirled the knife in one hand, leaning down over him to press the blade against his throat. “I plan to cut you from throat to balls if you don’t tell me where the money is that you stole from the Gods.”

Understanding settled in and Daire began to tug harder on his bonds. As I planned, they only tightened, making his hands painfully red.

“Are you fucking kidding me, bitch?” he snarled. “You came here for them? Fuck sakes. I should have known you wouldn’t turn on them. They fucking own you. You’re not getting the money. Fuck you, Raina.”

I let Daire ramble on as he cursed me six ways from Sunday. I nodded along, applauding a few of his more colorful insults. The noise from the party beyond the door was too loud for anyone to hear a damn thing. Nobody would come to help him.

“Are you finished now?” I asked when he paused in his tirade. “The faster you tell me where the cash is, the faster we can both move past this unfortunate situation.”

Daire vigorously shook his head. “I’m not telling you shit.”

I’d expected as much. Jamming the knife point against his jeans where his now soft cock was located, I put enough pressure to show him that I wasn’t kidding around.

“You’re going to tell me or I’m going to stab you in the dick. Maybe the balls. Depends what I hit first. Is losing your precious peener worth that much to you?” A wicked smile crossed my face.

When Daire resisted, I applied more pressure, watching the tip of the knife bite through the thick material of his jeans. He held out as long as he could before shouting, “Okay, fucking stop. I’ll tell you. We spent some of it. The rest is in the safe in the back of my closet.”

Leaving him tied to the bed, I kept an eye on him while I rifled through the closet in search of the safe. I found it in the back under a pile of sheets and blankets.

“Combination,” I demanded. “Hurry up. I’m starting to lose my patience.”

Daire rattled off a series of numbers. I hurriedly opened the safe, finding stacks of cash inside. I stuffed the cash into a duffle bag I found in the closet and zipped it closed.

“Thanks, Daire. I’ve had a really great time.” Stuffing my knife back into my boot, I slung the bag over my shoulder and headed for the door. I paused to message the Gods, telling them to meet me outside in thirty seconds.

“You’ll fucking pay for this, Raina,” Daire shouted after me. “I swear to God you will be fucking sorry for this shit. The Gods are nothing compared to us and what we’ll do to you.”

Yep, I knew he wasn’t a totally nice guy. I knew this type.

I blew him a facetious kiss and cracked open the door, making sure nobody saw inside as I left. Then I closed it behind me, leaving him there to be found later. I was down the stairs and out the front door in record time. Thanks to Clover distracting Blaze and that other girl keeping Cash occupied outside, none of the Angels saw me leave.

Knight’s vehicle was parked out front. I climbed into the back, tossing the duffel bag to Gage. All three of them looked at me with wonder and intrigue.

Gage opened the bag of cash, peering inside. “Goddamn, Cherry Pie. I think I might love you.”



When the following weekend rolled around, the Gods decided to throw a banger of a party. I wasn’t sure it was a good idea after the stunt I’d pulled at the Angel party. It would be a perfect opportunity for them to retaliate.

“Lighten up, Raina,” Gage admonished, lightly gnawing his lip ring. “They would be idiots to come onto our turf at a time like this. They won’t do shit.”

“It’s cool, Bad Girl. We deserve to have some fun.” Havoc sat at the kitchen table, counting out a wad of cash.

He looked much better after several days of healing, although he still bore fading bruises and healing cuts. I understood his desire to party and let loose. Instinct told me that it wasn’t a good time. We should lay low for a while. Play it safe.

I seemed to be the only one who thought so. Even Knight was eager to party. He and I were in the kitchen together, making quesadillas.

“Don’t worry so much,” he admonished, lightly bumping his hip against mine. “Pass me that can of beans? Thanks.”

I leaned against the counter, watching him dump beans into a frying pan filled with chicken, corn, and chopped bell peppers. Havoc and Gage liked to joke about the two of us being their little cooks. I joked back that they were lazy, useless fucks. Well, that wasn’t a joke so much as a cold, hard truth.

“You didn’t see Daire’s face when he realized I was fucking him over. He promised that I’d be sorry. That’s the last time I do anything for you ungrateful dicks.” I pulled a bag of frozen tortillas from the freezer and thunked them down on the counter.

“They’ll never get close enough to do a damn thing to you. I’d swear my life on it.” Havoc rose from the table and his stacks of money.
