Page 52 of Sinful God

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I hung out with Daire, engaging in flirtatious chatter while we smoked a joint together. He seemed to love that I’d come without Gage and the others. Whenever they came up in conversation, I brushed it off, making a face like I couldn’t be bothered to think about them let alone talk about them.

It wasn’t easy to send a text message every twenty minutes. I resorted to short messages, a simple black heart emoji. There was no time to send anything more in depth. That would have to be good enough.

“Maybe this is presumptuous of me but is there any chance you’d want to come upstairs with me?” Daire asked, nodding toward the house. “We don’t have to. I’m happy to stay right here if that’s what you prefer.”

Finally we were getting somewhere. “Lead the way, handsome.”

As Daire led me into the house and up the stairs, I almost felt bad for screwing him over. He seemed like a nice guy. He was good looking and possibly a powerful vigilante. Messing with him like this may very well blow up in my face. Which was why the Gods were down the block in Knight’s Jeep.

As nice as Daire seemed to be, I wouldn’t forget what he’d done to my guys. He and his friends had followed them to their cash pickup and beat the crap out of them before swiping the cash. That kind of thing didn’t fly in my world. My father would have killed all three of them if they’d pulled a stunt like that with his pickup. I had no interest in violence. I just wanted the money back.

Daire and I squeezed through people loitering on the stairs. A small living room area occupied the large landing at the top of the stairs. He shoved open the door to one of the bedrooms and barked at the occupants to get out. Two guys and a girl leapt off the bed and quickly gathered their clothes before rushing past us.

Good thing I didn’t intend to let him get me in that bed. Gross.

Daire did his best to arrange the blankets on the bed so the mattress was covered. Then he kicked the door shut and pulled a bottle of bourbon from the closet. I glanced inside, scoping it out for anything that looked like a bag of money.

He offered me the bottle, and I pretended to take a drink. Since there was no way of knowing if anything had been added to the bourbon, I wasn’t taking any chances. When Daire got up to plug his phone into a set of speakers and searched around for some music, I took the opportunity to quickly text the Gods. If they came in here now, we were screwed.

“How’s this?” Daire sat down on the bed next to me as some Top 40 pop song began to play.

I was a born and raised rock n’ roller. I didn’t know this shit. Still, I nodded as if I was into it. “This is great. I love this song.”

“You look like you’re into harder stuff. I can change it to something else.” Before I could stop him, Daire got up and fumbled with his phone as he changed the music. He’d been drinking long before I got here. That may help.

“This is good,” I said when he started a playlist of old and new rock songs. “Perfect.”

“You seem pretty perfect,” he said, a slight slur to his words. “The Gods don’t deserve you.”

I laughed, nodding my agreement. “Hell no, they don’t. They like to think so though.”

Daire moved closer on the bed, boldly reaching to push my hair back from my face. “If you were my girl, I’d never treat you like anything less than a queen.”

Something about his claim struck me as a blatant lie. I knew his type. He was just as capable of nasty behavior as Gage. Once I gave him a reason to act like a dick, he certainly would.

When he went in for a kiss, I didn’t stop him. I leaned into it, kissing him back. There was no fire between us. No passionate drive to make the other hurt. It was nothing like kissing one of my Gods. Frankly, it sucked.

Drunk and bold, Daire groped my tits as we made out. It was all I could do not to slap his hands away. If any of my guys saw this, they’d lose their shit.

“What are you into?” Daire murmured in my ear as he kissed my neck. “I want to make sure you leave incredibly happy.”

I definitely planned to do just that. I flashed him what I hoped was a drunken smile. Despite being pretty much sober, I wanted him to think that I was under the influence. It would make this a lot easier.

“Actually,” I dragged out that one word with a teasing lilt. “I would love to tie you up and ride you until the sun comes up. Are you game?”

If Havoc could hear me now, he would shit a litter of kittens. Daire’s face lit up with intrigue. Perfect.

“You’re a naughty thing, aren’t you, Raina?” Daire kissed me again, a little sloppy and drunken this time. “There’s a rack of ties in the closet. Feel free to use those.”

I hopped up, trying not to let on how excited I was to have this all going my way. Opening the closet, I found the ties, helping myself to two of them. I turned back to the bed to find Daire already spread out in the middle. Thank God he was drunk. He was making this go much smoother than I’d anticipated.

“Hold still.” I teased him with a barely there kiss. Then I got busy tying each of his wrists tightly to the headboard. He wasn’t going anywhere.

“Goddamn, you’re a wild one, aren’t you? I bet you fuck like a rabid animal.” Daire’s green eyes were bloodshot and glassy. He wasn’t so far gone that he couldn’t get it up though. His obvious erection tented his jeans.

“Maybe. You’ll have to let me know when we’re done.” I double checked his restraints, satisfied with how tight they were. If he started thrashing and pulling to get away, they would likely tighten further.

Standing next to the bed, I leaned down to give him a good view of my cleavage. It held him entranced while I pulled the knife from my boot. I flicked it open, holding it up so he could see the blade glinting in the light.
