Page 57 of Sinful God

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When Daire slid the knife up under my shirt, I thought surely my lungs would burst. He sliced my top wide open, cutting it off me in tatters of fabric.

“Let’s see what has the Gods so obsessed with you,” he murmured. He seemed to be talking more to himself than to me.

He sliced off my bra as well, baring my breasts to all three of them. I cringed. I knew where this was going. Despite the way the Gods had treated me, I’d never felt as violated as I did with Daire’s lecherous gaze upon me.

Daire nodded. “Not bad. Not bad at all.”

The tip of the knife was sharp and cold as he used it to tease one of my nipples into a hard peak. Then he did the same to the other. I braced for the pain, certain that he would cut me.

“She’s got a pretty good body,” Cash remarked, like I wasn’t even there. “Let’s see the rest of it.”

I stared at the ceiling as Daire cut off the rest of my clothes. Whatever they planned to do to me, I hoped they did it fast. Laying there naked and bound, I was fucking terrified. The fight I usually had in me faded. This was bad. I may very well die here.

“Isn’t that cute?” Daire quipped upon spying the Gods’ tattoo inked on my upper thigh. “They really do think they own you, huh? Tell me, Raina, do you like it? Being owned?”

I didn’t say a word. There was nothing I could say to make this better. If anything, it would likely only make things worse.

“Got nothing to say?” Daire taunted. “We’ll see about that. I wonder how much they would be willing to pay to get you back in one piece. Cash, text Havoc and tell him we want the money back. Otherwise, we’re going to have some fun with her. The kind of fun they thought this stupid tattoo would prevent.”

Cash whipped out his phone and typed out a message. I heard the telltale sound of it sending. Would Havoc give back the rest of the money? How much did they even have left? Gage had been pretty happy to gamble it away along with me.

While they waited for a response from Havoc, Daire dragged the knife over my skin. He circled my breasts, outlined my belly button, and traced the G inked on my thigh. I tried not to react but couldn’t stop the goosebumps that broke out on my skin.

Cash snickered at his phone. “Havoc says that if we touch her, he’ll personally castrate each of us. Didn’t say shit about the money.”

Daire suddenly dug the knife point into my thigh. I gasped, trying not to yelp in pain. He dragged the blade over the tattoo, carving what felt like an A over top of it. Goddamn him.

“Send Havoc a picture,” Daire laughed. “I want him to see her like this.”

I turned my head away from Cash, facing the opposite wall. Humiliation crushed me. I didn’t want them to see this. All I wanted was to drop through the mattress and disappear.

After Cash sent the photo, Daire got busy trying to make me scream. He started by cutting me. After my thigh, he went for my breasts, slicing shallow but painful cuts into my flesh. I clamped my lips tight together. I wouldn’t give this fucker the satisfaction.

Then the knife blade traveled down my stomach, slicing little gashes here and there. How far was this motherfucker going to take this? Why not just stab me already?

Because that’s not what he wanted. He didn’t want to kill me. He wanted to torture me.

“Let me hear you scream, Raina.” Daire’s hand was shocking as he slapped me across the face. “I’m not afraid to start cutting pieces off. What are you willing to lose?”

The cold touch of the blade between my legs got my heart racing so hard I thought I might pass out. Daire circled my clit with the sharp tip. That’s when I stopped holding back.

I screamed. And then I screamed some more. Until my chest heaved and I almost blacked out.

Daire chuckled, happy to have finally made me break. “Let’s see. How else can we pass the time? Any ideas, boys?”

“You wanted to fuck her, didn’t you?” Blaze said from where he leaned against the bedroom door. “Might as well take advantage of having her at your mercy while you still can. I’m sure the Gods are on their way.”

I sure fucking hoped so. They wouldn’t abandon me now, would they? I didn’t think so, but after what Gage did tonight, I wasn’t so sure anymore.

Daire used the knife tip to prod at my labia. Oh god, he was going to slice me open from the inside out. I was on the verge of begging and pleading. Anything to stop him from doing something so sick and twisted.

“The idea has kind of lost its appeal,” Daire said with a shrug. “Knowing the Gods have been inside her is kind of a turn off. Feel free to have at her though.”

He flipped the knife around, gripping it by the blade. Then he forced the handle inside me. I grunted at the sudden uncomfortable invasion.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Blaze shake his head. “She’s not really my type. I’m more interested in her colorful little friend. Now her I’d like to see spread out like that taking my cock with my hands around her throat.”

I wished that I’d never encouraged Clover to flirt with him. He didn’t deserve someone as sweet and amazing as her. If I survived this night, I would make sure she knew what a vile excuse for a human he was.
