Page 58 of Sinful God

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Daire pumped the knife handle in and out of me. I clenched my teeth together so hard I thought it would grind them to dust. My entire body was tense and resistant. I’d thought Gage was a crazy bastard. These fuckers put him to shame.

“What’s wrong, Raina?” Daire leaned forward to slap my cheeks. “Not enjoying this? I quite clearly recall you promising to cut me from throat to genitals. Give me one reason why I shouldn’t do the same to you.”

Staring at the ceiling, I furiously blinked back angry, frightened tears. I wouldn’t give this stone cold cunt the satisfaction of seeing me cry.

Thankfully, I didn’t have to answer his question. The sound of the front door being kicked in answered for me.



“Care to tell me what the fuck you were thinking? Jesus Christ, Gage. Why would you do that?” My voice rose as I struggled to keep my shit together.

As soon as I’d heard about Gage losing Raina in a goddamn poker game, it had taken Knight and two other guys to hold me back. I’d never wanted to beat the hell out of my best friend as bad as I did right then.

Needless to say, the party had come to an abrupt end. I kicked everyone out. All I cared about was going after Raina. If the Angels had her, there was no telling what they might do. No, I knew what they would do, and it wouldn’t be pretty.

“Fuck, man. I don’t know. I thought it was a sure thing. I was playing great. Kicking ass all night. Once Jet placed Lyra as a bet, it seemed like harmless play. A goof. I never thought I’d lose.” Gage rubbed a hand over his face and sighed.

His eyes were bloodshot from booze and drugs. It wasn’t often that I saw regret in Gage’s eyes. I saw it now.

“I knew I should’ve stayed.” Knight paced the kitchen, blaming himself for leaving the game. “I only had two drinks. I can drive. We should get going.”

In a sudden fit of wild rage, I slammed a fist into the living room wall. I’d be the one to fix it later, but right now, I needed to unleash. My head was going to blow. The thought of the Angels doing fucked up things to Raina made my blood boil. Someone was going to get hurt tonight.

We were on our way out the front door when the first message came through from Cash. They wanted the money that Raina had stolen back. If we didn’t hand it over, they were going to get their money’s worth with Raina. I stared hard at the message, trying not to crush my phone as fury possessed me.

“Drive,” I said to Knight as we climbed into the SUV. “As fast as possible.”

We were almost to the Angel house when the second message came in. The picture of Raina tied naked to a bed with Daire hovering over her holding a knife tore me to pieces. I couldn’t even speak as I handed my phone to Gage.

Quietly he said, “I’m going to kill him.”

“What’s going on?” Knight asked, leaning in to look when we pulled up to a red light. “Son of a bitch. They’re going to be sorry they took it this far.”

His hands tightened on the wheel as he drove. He hit the gas harder, sending the vehicle surging forward as the light turned green. As the next set of lights we approached turned amber, Knight gunned it, racing through moments before they turned red. He was on a mission.

We squealed to a stop in front of the Angel house. I was out of the vehicle before Knight put it in park. I’d come equipped. Pulling the pistol from the back of my pants, I gripped it tight in one hand as I raged up to the door. After trying to knob and finding it locked, I let the anger drive me as I kicked it with everything I had.

It only took two kicks to force the door open. Because I was running on pure rage, I slammed a fist into a glass framed photo at the bottom of the staircase. The sound of shattering glass would alert them to our presence if kicking the door open hadn’t.

Blaze was the first to appear. He stood at the top of the stairs, both hands up in a fake show of surrender. “Let’s just cool it, guys. There’s no reason we can’t make a fair trade here. All we want is the money.”

“Money that was rightfully ours,” I bit out, raising the gun in my hand. “Are you willing to die for it, fucker?”

“Fuck no,” Blaze said, backing into the room he’d come from.

I hurried up the stairs with Knight and Gage right behind me. The last thing I wanted was to risk a shoot-out with Raina caught in the middle. These guys most likely had weapons stashed all over the place. That didn’t matter though. The anger I felt drove me. Nothing would stop me now.

I stormed into the bedroom where Raina was still tied to the bed. Her body was marked in bloody cuts. Daire stood over her with a knife in hand. That didn’t stop Gage from tackling him to the floor.

Waving the gun at Cash and Blaze, I barked, “Line up against the closet. Hands where I can see them. Fucking try me and I’ll put a bullet in your brain.”

They glanced at each other. Cash shrugged and did what I said. I didn’t trust them not to try something, which was why I planned to get the jump on them. I didn’t have to tell Knight to beat the hell out of them. He was already swinging.

Knight slammed his fist into Cash’s spine, driving him to his knees. Then he delivered another blow to the back of his head. I smashed my gun into Blaze’s head, pleased with the blood that erupted from a gash on his temple.

“Take it easy, Havoc,” Blaze shouted. “We were going to let her go after we had some fun with her. We weren’t really going to hurt her.”
