Page 68 of Sinful God

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Gage let out a low whistle. “That’s downright cold, Maverick. I’m almost impressed.”

“And when Raina moved into the house with us, you knew that you had to do something about it,” I said. “That’s why you buried her alive in the middle of nowhere.”

Maverick stiffened, his eyes widening. He really hadn’t expected us to find her. “How do you know that?”

“Because I’m smart enough to put a tracker on the woman I love. We found her. She’s alive.” Yeah, I heard the words fall out of my mouth and saw the way Gage’s head snapped up at my claim. Goddammit. When had that happened?

“The woman you love?” Maverick repeated. “Jesus, kid. Do you hear yourself? She’s inside your head, manipulating you. Turning you against your own family. This is exactly what I was trying to prevent.”

Boiling hot rage filled me. It was all I could do not to leap over the desk and tear him apart with my bare hands.

“The only person who’s been manipulating me is you. Frankly, I’m done with it. You’ll never get the chance to mess with me or Raina again.”

No more holding back. It had to be now. I pulled the trigger, watching as my father’s mouth dropped open, his wide eyes staring in disbelief.

Blood and brain matter splattered the wall behind him. Some of it sprayed back on Gage as well. I shrugged an apology. Gage didn’t care. He stepped back, watching dispassionately as my father slumped over in his chair, his face smacking the top of the desk.

Although the gunshot had been loud, the house was large enough that my mother and sister may not have heard it. Having no reason to linger, I strode from the room with Gage at my side. I closed the door behind us with a sense of finality. As I descended the stairs, the feeling of being liberated came over me, bringing a smile to my face.

To my dismay, Star sat on the flower patterned chair near the piano. She glanced up from her phone, doing a double take when she saw the blood painting Gage’s face and clothes.

“Oh my god, what happened? Where’s Dad?” Her face went pale as she put it together.

“Don’t go into the study,” I said, wishing again that she wasn’t here for this. “Tell Mom to call the cleaners. Sorry, Star. This was for the best.”

I walked out the door before my sister’s meltdown could stop me. I doubted I would be welcome in that house any longer anyway. Not that I ever really had been since moving out. The syndicate cleaners would take care of the body and the mess. Nobody in our business ever called the cops.

Technically, my father’s organization was now mine. I wasn’t sure if I even wanted it anymore. There was a time when that was all I wanted. Now all I wanted was Raina.



Knight and I were downstairs stuffing our faces with pizza and barbecue chicken wings when the front door opened. I felt better since my time buried alive, although my mental state was still in a rough place. I’d called my dad from Knight’s phone and told him that I was out with Clover and that my phone had died. I didn’t want him to worry when he came home to find me gone. Tomorrow I would return home and tell him everything.

When Havoc and Gage entered the kitchen, I almost shit my pants. Well, they were a pair of Knight’s sweatpants since my things were now at my dad’s. I also wore one of his t-shirts. Regardless, I was stunned.

Gage’s face was splattered in blood. It looked like he’d swiped a hand through it, smearing it about. I gaped at him, speechless.

Havoc went straight to the kitchen. He pulled out the bottle of tequila and pried off the lid before raising it to his lips. He chugged back a dangerous amount of liquor before putting the bottle on the counter.

“Is it done?” Knight stood up, taking his plate to the dishwasher.

“Yeah,” Havoc said after another long drink of tequila. “It’s done. He’s dead.”

Gage snagged a chicken wing from the box on the table and strolled outside. He left the patio door open, giving me a perfect view as he peeled off his bloodstained clothes and tossed them into the firepit in the yard.

“Wait a minute.” I dropped the rest of my pizza slice onto my plate. “Maverick is dead?”

I wasn’t sure who else they could be talking about. Would Havoc do that? Kill his own father? For me? No way.

“He sure is,” Havoc confirmed. “My mother will probably disown me. Seeing as my father would have anyway, I’ll live with it. Are you okay, Raina?”

Me? He was asking if I was okay? Had I stepped into an alternate reality or something?

“Yeah, I’m okay. A little shaken up, but I’ll be fine. What about you though, Havoc? Are you okay?” I didn’t know what to say or do in this situation. There were no words to make this better.

Havoc rounded the island, coming to where I sat at the table. I turned on my chair to face him. He dropped to his knees before me and placed his head in my lap. His arms went around my waist, holding on tight.
