Page 69 of Sinful God

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Needless to say, I was shocked. I glanced at Knight who shrugged. Placing a hand on Havoc’s hair, I gently ran my fingers through it.

“I needed to know that he could never hurt you again.” Havoc’s words were muffled against my lap. “I couldn’t let him get away with what he did to you.”

Tears filled my eyes. Oops. Didn’t want to set Knight off again. I gave them a halfhearted swipe, wiping them away before they could fall.

“I’m sorry, Havoc.” My voice cracked. I pressed on. “I’m so sorry. You never should have had to do something like that.”

“No.” He vigorously shook his head, raising it to look me in the eye. “No, don’t apologize. If anyone should apologize here, it’s me. I’m sorry that he hurt you. I’m sorry that I wasn’t there to protect you from him or from the Angels. You were mine to protect, and I failed you.”

My pulse quickened as my mouth went dry. I didn’t know what to say. He’d completely taken me by surprise.

“I can’t change what’s been done, but I promise you, Raina, nobody will ever fuck with you again without having to answer to me. There’s no changing who I am, the things I’ve done or will do, but I can guarantee you that I’ll dedicate the rest of my existence to keeping you safe. Please, give me the chance to prove that.”

Havoc peered up at me, a storm of emotion in his blue eyes. Here he was pleading with me, making promises neither of us knew if he could keep. Yet he was trying. With his heart on his sleeve, he was on his knees, begging me for another chance.

Because he hadn’t shocked me enough, Havoc said, “I love you, Raina. I said it to my father before putting a bullet in his brain. Now I need to say it to you. I’m head over heels for you, Bad Girl.”

My mouth opened. No sound came out. Mind racing, I scrambled to find the right words. “Havoc, I—”

“Don’t feel like you have to say it back.” He pressed a finger to my lips to cut me off. “I don’t want you to say it just because I did. I just needed you to know.”

He seemed to need this moment. To get this off his chest. Because my brain had short-circuited, I said nothing. I threw my arms around him and hugged him tight.

Gage chose that moment to amble back inside wearing nothing other than his boxer shorts. A fire blazed in the pit, consuming his bloody clothes. He placed his gun on the kitchen table and plopped down in a chair.

With a mouthful of pizza, he used a chicken wing to point at Havoc. “Did you tell her what Maverick said about Jenna?”

My head snapped up as I sat up straight. “What about Jenna?”

I listened in jaw dropped shock as Havoc repeated what Maverick had said about hiring Jenna to get close to him. He’d killed her when she started making demands that ended in blackmail. That’s when he’d dumped her body here after sending me creepy, threatening messages.

It all made sense now. Jenna had hated me right from the start. Now I knew why. She hadn’t deserved to die. Men like Maverick weren’t the type to take kindly to blackmail. She’d been playing with fire.

I slumped back in my chair, rubbing my forehead. “Shit. That’s fucking intense. I can’t believe he paid her to get close to you. That’s messed up.”

Havoc pulled out the remaining chair at the table, dragging it over next to mine. He seemed antsy and exhausted. The way he constantly touched me was both endearing and worrisome. Havoc wasn’t himself. Understandable considering he’d just murdered his father.

“I can’t believe I let that slut suck me off,” Gage muttered around a mouthful of pizza.

He met my gaze briefly before averting his eyes back to the food in his hand. We hadn’t spoken since the Angels got their hands on me. Tension hung between us. I wasn’t sure Gage and I would ever be able to move past that night.

Was he even sorry? Could I forgive him even if he was? I didn’t have the answers. Maybe it wasn’t that important right now. I needed to be there for Havoc. He had to be hurting.

“So what happens now?” Knight asked, glancing around the table at the three of us.

Havoc shook his head, his body racked with a heavy sigh. “Now we wait for the shit to hit the fan.”



The next morning came quickly. I woke up feeling nervous. I had to go back to my dad’s today. All of my things were there. This time I planned to bring all three guys with me. It was time for them to meet my father. Really meet him.

I wasn’t the only one nervous about their meeting. Havoc played it off but he couldn’t hide the nerves that made him edgier than usual. I’d told them that I wanted to tell my father everything about Maverick and Nikki. He deserved to know.

Havoc and I had spent the night in his bed. He’d snuggled close, holding me tight against him all night, even when it grew too hot and we had to toss the blankets off. We woke up to find breakfast in the kitchen, courtesy of Gage who’d ordered food. I wasn’t sure if I’d trust him to cook anyway.

Breakfast was quiet. We made small talk while avoiding serious subjects. All four of us were skipping class today. It was just as well. I doubted that I’d be able to focus.
