Page 5 of Bragg's Christmas

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Ican’t believe I’m going to do this. I’m going to hire Love Hill – the woman who threw herself at me when I was tasked with kicking her out of my brother’s wedding – as the nanny for my daughter.

I’ve regretted not having sex with Love Hill for months. If it hadn’t been for my brother’s wife telling me to be careful, I wouldn’t have thought twice about accepting her offer.

The woman is temptation wrapped up in a short package. She has these dark exotic eyes I find intriguing, pouty pink lips I long to kiss, and long brown hair I want to fist in my hands as I taste those pink lips.

And now she’s going to be my daughter’s nanny. She isn’t the kind of woman I thought I would want around my daughter. But when her eyes flashed with anger and her hands fisted after Skye asked if she would abandon her, I knew I had found the person to care for my daughter.

“I need to explain.”

Love Hill raises her eyebrows.

“About how my daughter came to live with me.”

“Came to live with you?”

“I didn’t know Skye existed until a few months ago when her mother showed up on my doorstep and handed her to me.”

“Hold on. Her mother handed her to you? Is this the woman who left and hasn’t come back? Where does she live? Someone needs to teach her a lesson,” she growls and a muscle in her jaw twitches.

“Keep it down,” I order. “Skye doesn’t know her mother left her.”

“I hate to break it to you, buddy, but the gorgeous girl in there knows her mother abandoned her. What the hell happened?”

I run a hand through my hair. “Maria, Skye’s mother, said she had to go away for work for the weekend but she couldn’t bring Skye with her. When she didn’t show up on Monday, I called but—”

“The phone number she gave you was disconnected.”

I nod. “I should have checked the number before she left but I was a little distracted. What with finding out I had a daughter who was nearly five and I never knew about her.”

“And you’re certain Skye is your daughter?”

I can’t stop the smile from crossing my face. “She has my eyes.”

“She does but there are more people in the world with warm brown eyes.”

“I did a genetic test to make certain since …” I trail off. I don’t want her to know why I needed to be sure.

“Since your family has a bunch of money?”

“We’re not rich.”

She snorts. “Okay. You’re not rich.”

Sarcasm drips from her words but I change the topic. I’m not discussing my wealth with someone my sisters-in-law describe as a maneater who drinks the blood of her victims to stop her face from aging.

“The genetic test confirmed I’m her father.”

“And her mother? Have you had any contact with her after the first weekend?”

I scowl. “Skye doesn’t need her mother.”

Pain flashes in her eyes before she blinks and it disappears. “Little girls always need their mothers.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

She frowns. “You didn’t. I got over my mother dying before I was one a long time ago.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t realize your mother died when you were a baby.”
