Page 6 of Bragg's Christmas

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“It’s fine.” She waves away my apology. “We’re discussing Skye’s mother, not mine.”

I understand her avoiding the subject. I don’t enjoy discussing my father’s passing either.

“I contacted a lawyer and they were able to locate Maria. I wanted partial custody but she said she was done being a mom and gave me full custody.”

Love Hill gasps. “She gave you full custody? Does she have visitation rights? Has she been to visit Skye since the first weekend?”

“Maria hasn’t seen Skye since she dropped her at my doorstep.”

“What a horrible person. She doesn’t deserve to be a mother. If I had a child—” She clears her throat. “Poor Skye. She deserves better.”

Her words reinforce my decision. Whatever else Love Hill’s problems are, she loves children. “I want to offer you the position of nanny.”

“Nanny? Not a babysitter?”

“I work more than full-time. I need someone to be available more often than a babysitter.”

“Where are you planning to live? I can’t leave Winter Falls.”

She can’t leave Winter Falls? Why can’t she leave the small town? What’s keeping her there? From what I understand, she doesn’t have many friends in town.

Although, I don’t know for certain she doesn’t have any friends. All I know is the gossip around town claims she’s friendless. Considering my current situation, I’m not one to judge a person based on some gossip. I will make up my own mind about Love Hill.

“I’m moving to Winter Falls.”

She smiles and those exotic eyes I’m quickly becoming fascinated with fill with happiness. I want to see her happy all the time.

Knock it off, Damon. She’s your daughter’s nanny. You will not get involved with her. No matter how tempting she is.

“Wonderful. You living in town solves the whole car problem.”

“Car problem?”

She rolls her eyes. “You know Winter Falls is proud of being the first carbon neutral town in the world?” I nod. “Carbon neutral means they hate cars, which means I don’t own one.”

I have a feeling there’s more to the story, but I don’t pry. She’s entitled to her secrets.

“I have an electric car you can borrow when you need to drive Skye somewhere.”

“You’d let me drive your car?”

“I’m letting you care for my child. The car is immaterial.”

“Good answer.”

“I guess we should discuss compensation and benefits.”

“I didn’t say yes yet.”

“Oh, I assumed since you came here for a job…”

“I came here for an assistant position. A nanny is not an assistant.”

I scratch my beard. Well, shit. I didn’t expect this. I thought she’d jump at the chance to be Skye’s nanny. They seemed to be having fun. I guess some women aren’t cut out to be mothers. Skye’s mother did a thorough job of teaching me that lesson.

She bursts into laughter. “You should see your face. You look constipated.”

I cock an eyebrow. “You’re teasing me? You’re going to be trouble, aren’t you?”
