Page 50 of Bragg's Christmas

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My gaze dips to her mouth. Those pouty pink lips I’ve wanted to taste since the moment I met her at my brother’s wedding. At the time, I thought she was a maneater. I’m beginning to wonder if my judgment was off.

I’m lying. I suspected my judgment was wrong the second I saw Love with Skye. No one who’s a horrible person can be kind to a child the way she is with my daughter.

And after she told me what happened in ninth grade, I knew for sure. What you see is not what you get with Love Hill. She’s hiding layers and layers of herself from the world. Layers I want to peel away one at a time until the real Love Hill is revealed.

She bites her bottom lip and all my resistance flees. I dip my head until my lips touch hers. A little graze meant to tease. She makes this adorable sound in the back of her throat and I palm her neck to bring her closer.

When she clutches my shoulders, I dive in to explore her mouth. She tastes of cherries, the coffee we had after dinner, and a bit of the forbidden. It’s addicting. And dangerous. And I don’t care.

Love sighs and I stroke my tongue against hers. The feel of her fingernails digging into my skin spurs me on. I wrap an arm around her waist and haul her onto my lap. My hard cock presses against her core and she begins to rub herself against me. Hell yeah.

I wrench my lips from hers to plant kisses along her jaw until I reach her ear.

“How about we take this to the bedroom?”

She freezes. Her eyes fly open and she stares down at me.

“I didn’t…” She crawls off my lap and cowers in the corner of the sofa with her arms wrapped around her knees.

Holy hell. She doesn’t resemble a woman whose world has just been rocked. She’s terrified. My heart races until my chest aches. I’m the one who terrified her. I hold up my palms and inch away from her.

“I didn’t mean to force you.”

Her eyes narrow. “What? You didn’t force me.”

I wish I could believe her but her body language isn’t a lie. I motion toward her. “You cowering in the corner says otherwise.”

She releases her knees and straightens her back. She’s trying to appear tough, but her eyes continue to flash with fear.

“You didn’t force me.” She clears her throat. “I didn’t mean to come onto you.”

My brow wrinkles in confusion. “Come onto me? I’m the one who kissed you.”

“It doesn’t matter. I should go to bed.”

I want to go to bed with her but I don’t think my wish is going to be granted today. Before I figure out what to say, she speaks again.

“This can’t happen again.”

I run a hand through my hair. I’m confused. She seemed into the kiss but now she’s running away. What happened?

“Why not?”

“I’m the nanny. You’re the boss. It’s a recipe for disaster.”

“We can keep our private relationship separate from our work relationship,” I say even though I doubt we can. We live together. She’s helping to raise my daughter. We breathe each other’s air twenty-four-seven.

But I’m done resisting her. Love Hill is not who she appears and the person she is? She’s irresistible.

She raises her eyebrows. “We can?”

I shrug. “If you want to.”

She studies me for a moment before a flip switches in her. I can see the moment her mood changes from guarded to pissed off.

“You think I’m an easy lay.”

