Page 51 of Bragg's Christmas

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“All those mumblings about how I should have been treated better by my stepmom and how teachers should have listened to my side of the story. They were all b.s., weren’t they? You don’t care about what happened to me. You just want in my panties.”

“No. I mean I do want in your panties, but I didn’t lie about anything.”

Her shoulders hunch. “I get it. I’m the slut who’ll sleep with anyone.”

I growl. “Hang on a minute. I didn’t say you were a slut.”

“It’s true, though, isn’t it? I’m the homewrecker, the hussy of Winter Falls.”

“Love, people saying those things about you doesn’t mean they’re true.” I tap my chest. “In here, you know who you are. You don’t need the approval of anyone from this town.”

“They are true.” Her nose scrunches. “Mostly. I didn’t sleep with all of those married men. Mostly it was just kissing, maybe a little groping.”

“Okay,” I say because I have no idea what else I can say. I don’t think she wants me to say I’m relieved she didn’t sleep with all those men. Those words wouldn’t go over well.

“I don’t want to be that woman anymore.”

Pride fills my chest. Love Hill is a wonderous woman.

“It’s never too late to change.”

“I’m thirty-four.”

“So? Mom finally found love and she’s in her… Let’s say she’s older than you.” I know better than to utter my mom’s age out loud. Her mom’s intuition would have her rushing over here to spank me regardless of how old I am.

“Okay.” She stands. “I’m going to try to be this better person.” She inhales a deep breath and lets it out before speaking again. “Damon, thank you for the lovely kiss but you are my boss and it’s inappropriate for us to have relations.”

Have relations? She’s freaking adorable.

“We shouldn’t kiss again.”

She waits for my nod before whirling around and bounding up the stairs. I wait until she disappears into the hallway before dropping my chin to my chest.

What have I done? I could have Love underneath me right now screaming my name in ecstasy. Instead, she’s off to bed. Alone.

You know she’s right, my mind manages to chime in through the want for Love pouring through my body.

She is. And I’ll respect her wishes. Because I have a feeling witnessing Love Hill become the woman she was always meant to be is going to be a spectacular show. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.

I adjust my cock. “Time for a cold shower.”

I predict a lot of cold showers in my future.

Chapter 18

Friendly reminder: Trees are not meant to end up in landfills. ~ Message from Eden on the Winter Falls Facebook page

Love Hill

Istare at my closed door.

Come on, Love. You’re not a scaredy-cat.

Yes, I am. I’m terrified of entering the kitchen where Damon and Skye are. Maybe he’s decided to fire me after last night. I wouldn’t blame him. I practically mauled him while we kissed. And then when he asked me to his room, I told him I didn’t want any more.

I’m a tease. I snort. Now there’s a word no one in Winter Falls has called me before.

Skye squeals as she rushes downstairs. No more delaying. I have a job to do. Or, at least, I do until Damon fires me.
