Page 19 of Two Chances

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For him, anyway.

Up until a few weeks earlier, I’d been troubled by that fact and had tried to find ways to reconnect with my lover outside of fucking.

But now?

I studied the back of his head while following him from the club into the humid summer night.He swayed slightly, definitely more buzzed than I was.He’d called and begged for a night out, claiming to be overwhelmed with stress at work.I’d given in as usual, wishing I could sever the ties that bound me to him.

But they weren’t visible.Or tangible enough I could cut them with a blade.

There was nothing to do but survive on the scraps he offered me.

The Uber he’d contacted before leaving the bathroom waited for us at the curb.He gave the driver his address, which meant he wasn’t coming back to my place.

Guess our date is over.

Strangely, disappointment didn’t wash over me as it would have a mere month earlier.We rode in silence, but I’d had enough alcohol that the lack of interaction didn’t make me feel uncomfortable.I watched Alex stumble up his house’s front stairs and fumble with his keys before he managed to unlock the front door and let himself in.

He hadn’t turned.Hadn’t waved goodbye.

Yet another reminder that I’d dived deeper into our relationship than he had.Could I even consider friends with benefits an actual relationship?What we had together no longer fulfilled me in any emotional way as it had in the beginning.

Sighing, I faced forward and gave the Uber driver my address.

“Ever been in love?”I murmured, tipping my head back and closing my eyes, hating the spins wracking my brain.

“Can’t say I have.”

“Don’t bother—it’s nothing but a heartache.”

Rather than responding, the driver started to hum an old Bonnie Tyler song.

“Nothing but a heartache,” I joined in, so damn out of tune it wasn’t even funny.

We sang together, and all I could do was laugh until I cried.



Mom called me Sunday morning, waking me from a deep sleep.I’d gotten home from work the night before a little after three instead of eight since my client’s hole was wrecked after a single use.He’d asked me to swallow a second load before leaving, and I’d given him the blow job of his life.

His words, not mine.

Easy to do with his shorter, slender dick though.Deep throating hadn’t been a problem, and I swallowed down every drop since his file showed his bloodwork to be spotless.

Blinking the sleep from my eyes, I tried to pay attention as my mom prattled on about the latest family gossip, but I couldn’t stop the memories from the night before replaying in my mind.

JJ’s muscles against my backside.

Imagining his ass while thrusting into my client.

Finding release with JJ’s name echoing in my mind but thankfully not on my tongue.

“Are you listening to me?”

“Huh?”I rubbed a hand over my face, noting the laughter in Mom’s voice.

“I gave you enough time to wake your sleepy butt—are you ready to hear the real reason I called?”
