Page 21 of Two Chances

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“Felt you slide it in.”My eyelids slammed shut at the words that fell off my lips, and I waited for JJ to crack a joke.

He merely chuckled.“What a great opportunity, but I won’t take it.”

“Afraid I’ll run off?”

“I know you would.”He sounded confident as fuck—and he was right.

I was as skittish as a feral kitten like those back on the farm I’d attempted to tame when I’d been a kid.Same as the ones sometimes brought into the vet.

“What made you decide to call?”He spoke again before I thought of a response.

“You seem like a nice guy—”

“But?”he interjected, probably having already figured me out with being a detective.No doubt, the guy had psychology training and all that shit.

“I think you’re hot as fuck—but I’m not interested.”It fucking killed to lie like that, but I had no choice.

“I’m just looking for a good time, Kellen,” JJ stated.“Hanging out and hooking up.My heart isn’t available either.”


I contemplated his declaration for a few seconds, realizing he knew someone had hurt mine past the point of being open.“Done your homework, I’m assuming?”I asked rather than focusing on the fact he must have had his heart broken too.

“I won’t lie and say no,” he admitted.“You intrigue me, so I took the opportunity to check you out before pursuing what I can’t help but want.”

His firm declaration lazed blood to my groin in a slow, sensual rising of need.

“Who was the blond?”I heard myself asking rather than letting him know what his voice and words did to meorgiving him shit for doing a background check on me when nothing legal warranted such an act.

“He’s the reason my heart isn’t available, but before you ask, no, he’s not my partner.We’re not married—or engaged.”He hadn’t hesitated to answer his truth.I’d assumed by their possessive kiss that might be the case.

“I’m jaded as fuck,” I gave him the same honesty.“My ex-fiancé cheated on me right before our wedding.”

“Is that why you joined Elite?”

Nosey bastard.A muscle ticked in my jaw, but I answered anyway.“Yeah.”

“A bigfuck youto the asshole who crushed your heart.”JJ sounded matter-of-fact as though he could understand my pain and grief.

“Got that right,” I muttered.“But the guys I work with are great, even if my boss can be a brat sometimes.”

“I want to explore the connection between us, that shot of lust whenever I lay eyes on your gorgeous ass, but it won’t be anything more than fucking.”

Oh, the temptation.It flirted with my better sense.Meeting up with JJ would be nothing but trouble—but I lusted for him, goddamnit.

“Feel free to hire me if you need my dick that badly,” I suggested rather than simply giving in.

“Don’t want your dick,” JJ shot back.“I want your hole—but I suppose youcouldhave mine after I’ve wrecked yours if you’re up for it.”

Oh, I would be, all right.No doubt.Nothing better than a man who enjoyed a little flip fucking.

“Just one night, Kellen.”Pleading bled through his voice.“That’s what I’m asking for.We can scratch this itch and both go on our merry way, get back to life as we know it.”

“You’re a pushy bastard.”

“You have no idea,” he purred the statement.

I toyed with the proposal for perhaps five seconds, but the memory of Xavier and how broken I’d been by his betrayal was fixed firmly in my mind.My stomach twisted to its usual gut-wrenching clench whenever he entered my thoughts.
