Page 24 of Two Chances

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His words echoed in my head as I hung up a few seconds later and let myself into my quiet house.That shroud-like heaviness descended as it always did, and flicking on the kitchen lights didn’t help to dispel the loneliness settling over me.Listening to Alex say that shit about his wife made me wonder what he thought of me.I’d been loyal when she wasn’t—agreement for their open relationship notwithstanding—and I’d always been there for him.Every.Goddamned.Time.

He liked to shut me up with a cock lodged in my throat, but did I annoy him in the same way she’d been lately?

Alex tended toward selfish, but I’d never heard him behave…

The thought dissolved as memories of my best friend high on fentanyl resurfaced.He’d sounded drunk a lot.Couldn’t sleep.Had trouble focusing and paying attention to conversations and everyday life.

Jaw clenched, I considered shooting off a text to Teresa to have her check in with her husband.See if his pupils were pinned.Obviously, he’d been pulling away from her enough that she’d confronted him with his treatment of her, but was his behavior truly a result from work or something more troubling?

Annoyance over the entire affair atop the aggravation I’d dealt with at the office earlier that day crowded the empty spaces in my chest.While I wanted answers from Alex, I knew from experience my hands were tied.

I’d paid for his rehab, had helped him get clean, but what if it had all been a waste?What if he once more strung me along, using me as he seemed to do with everyone else in his life?

A sense of hopelessness washed over me, heightening the feeling of wretched isolation.

Bottle of beer in hand, I settled on my couch and pulled up my cell’s browser.

Elite Escorts.

I’d studied the website from home page to contact form countless times, admiring the sleek, professional design since Mason’s attack had brought the company to my attention.

I clicked on the gay branch, same as whenever I felt abandoned by the man I loved.Scrolling through the images eventually filled my screen with Kellen’s hotness.

“Goddamn,” I muttered to myself.

Lust hoofed me in the balls, and I groaned, palming my thickening dick.The man was so damn fine, and I’d never physically ached so hard for someone before.What was it about him that did it for me?Why couldn’t I set the thought of him aside?How had he burrowed into my consciousness, haunting me while dreaming and awake?

“Fuck it.”

Lips in a thin line, I scrolled down to the bottom of the page again and clicked on the link to submit a request for a night with Kellen Roberts.

The man would be forced to face me, talk to me,pleaseme if I booked an evening with him.

Then we could go on our merry way, sated from our mutual lust.

A part of me secretly wished being with someone other than Alex would help sever that tether my best friend had over me, the one that allowed him to take advantage of me.

But I didn’t hold onto hope Kellen would be the one to set me free.



Iopened the file sent over to me from EEMM’s secretary and stalled out at the headshot of the man who had requested me for the night.

James Jenner.

“Oh fuck me,” I groaned, sitting my half-dressed ass on the edge of my bed as adrenaline rushed through my limbs, making me weak.I’d just gotten out of the shower, but I wished I’d checked my assignment further in advance than a couple of hours.

It was too late for me to bail.Sean would give me shit.EEMM required at least a twelve-hour notice if they needed to reschedule with a different escort…unless there was an emergency—which I didn’t have one, nor would I conjure up a lie.

Heart thrumming, I bit on the inside of my lip and flipped through JJ’s information.Clean bill of health, on PrEP, vers, no limits other than scat play…

I rubbed along my jawline and the scruff I hadn’t bothered shaving.While the idea of having the man all up in my space in a controlled, impersonal environment like the hotel he’d booked for the night turned me on, hairs still rose on my nape.

Everything about him screamed danger.

Keep up the walls.

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