Page 25 of Two Chances

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Don’t be vulnerable.

I could put my heart on lockdown and enjoy the fuck out of his fine ass though, I tried to tell myself.Swallow his cum as he thrust into my throat.My dick swelled at the image flashing through my head of him peering down at me while I brought him to climax.I lusted to hear his groans, curses spilling from his lips as he found release inside my body.

Slumping, I told myself I had no easy way out.He’d signed the papers and paid.I was his for the night.

And holy fucking shit did every inch of my skin come alive, pebbling and shivering with instinctive need.

Take what he offers, I told myself while blowing out a heavy exhale and pushing to my feet.Enjoy the fuck out of him, ride the lust train of the first connection you’ve felt in years.

It didn’t have to be more than a transaction.


Mind made up and set on protecting my heart throughout the hours of our sexual tryst, I took care in dressing in my usual black on black attire.We would meet at a swanky hotel in downtown Boston.No dinner.No bar for drinks.Just a room number and time to meet him was listed in the file.

I grabbed my assigned EEMM bag, which was outfitted with all the essentials: condoms, lube, various plugs, and a few different types of restraints.Since I wasn’t showcased as a Dom on the Elite’s website, my bag didn’t include toys for impact play and other types of BDSM kinky shit.While I wasn’t exactly vanilla in my personal preferences, I tended toward tame with our clients.

Some parts of me I had no wish to share ever again because they required trust, a thing I couldn’t give.

Adrenaline kept me antsy on the ride into Boston, and I worked my grip on the steering wheel like I would a stress ball.My protective instincts suggested I turn around, go back home, and hide from the man who made me feel shit I didn’t want to experience again.

But the lure of Detective James Jenner…

Fucking hell, the man hadn’t left my mind.I saw him in my dreams, those damn hips of his moving in a slow, sensual dance meant to make me mad with need.The rasp of his voice over the phone still echoed in my ears, and his chuckle, his firm tone caused my skin to prickle as though electricity rippled over my body.

My cock ached no matter how badly I tried to think of something else.Anythingelse.

The latest Roberts grandchild, while cute as hell and the perfect little angel, didn’t even have space in my head.Nor did the fact that my oldest nephew had been named captain of his football team.He was the starting quarterback at the game I’d caught the Friday night before while spending the weekend in Nodhead Falls.

All the good things in my life faded beyond the glamour of JJ, the sexiest fucking man on the planet.

“Jesus, I’m a mess.”I found a spot in the parking garage and cut the engine—but didn’t move.Silence settled over me, my heightened exhales the only sound keeping me company.“Just get in there and please the client.Make sure he comes first—”

I snorted at myself.My balls were going to erupt at a mere touch of his hand or mouth.Hell, I was going to blow like a pubescent teenager the second I got a taste of him.


Teeth gritted, I climbed out of the car, locked up, and strode through the cavernous, echoing garage to the hotel’s entrance across the streetlight-lit road.Coolness coated the evening, the temperature low enough my breath fogged in front of me.One foot in front of the other, I focused on keeping my inhales steady.I stretched my neck side to side as the elevator sped upward toward the sixth floor, but I still felt on edge, ready to combust.

More steps on nicer carpet than I had in my apartment took me to #613—a corner suite that had cost JJ a pretty penny.The man didn’t hold back and had gone all out to finally get his hands on me, and I was thankful for the neutral location.

I released a steady exhale in an attempt to slow my rapidly beating heart and knocked.

The door swung inward before my arm dropped to my side.

The sight of a shirtless JJ in low-slung sweats pulled a grunt from my lungs, tightening my abs and groin.

Jesus fucking Christ, the man was gorgeous.Thick pecs with a smattering of dark hair caught my attention first.My gaze slid downward.Just a hint of padding lay atop a six-pack…and the goddamned V disappearing into his pants made my mouth water.

“You’re drooling,” JJ said with a chuckle, the rasp of his voice like a teasing caress over my balls.

“Can you blame me?”I asked in all seriousness, needing to adjust my aching cock at the sight of his bulge.

“Are you going to just stand there and stare or come in here so I can take care of that for you?”

“Fuck,” I muttered, stepping forward and finally lifting my gaze to his face.

“That’s the plan.”Face slightly flushed, lips appearing freshly licked, he smirked at me, his dark eyes promising I was about to have the time of my life.
