Page 33 of Two Chances

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When eight in the morning arrived, we were both bleary-eyed, our voices scratchy.He moved away first, and I had no choice but to let him go.

Hand resting atop the warmth he’d left behind on the mattress, I watched him quietly, slowly, get dressed.Once he’d covered his gorgeous body and shoved his shoes back on, that ache from the night before lanced through my chest.

He faced me, a mere ten feet separating us, but it felt like the goddamned Nile.His focus flitted from my bare chest to the sheet draped over my waist.

Fucking clueless on what to say, I kept my mouth shut.

When his eyes once more connected with mine, I swallowed hard.“I’ll be seeing you,” I decided on, needing some sort of assurance that our paths would cross again at some point in our lives.

Kellen didn’t speak, simply shared his presence with me for a few more moments, our gazes locked.Countless emotions swarmed through me, same as his eyes assured me he experienced.He severed the tether between us, turned, and walked away.

At least he hadn’t said goodbye.

But strangely, my heart felt as though he had—taking a piece of it along with him when he’d left me alone.



I’d never felt so off-kilter in my entire life.

Even when I’d been stunned and speechless upon finding Xavier with his ass filled by another man’s dick, my world hadn’t exactly shifted enough to throw me off my feet.

One night of fucking, of talking myself hoarse with JJ, had impacted me to a greater degree than my ex’s infidelity.

I was consumed by thoughts of JJ, but unlike the fallout of Xavier’s cheating, I didn’t suffer in actual pain.There was no grieving in my soul for something lost, rather…despairing over perhaps having missed out?

Vocalizing what I felt over the next couple of days proved impossible.Putting to words how JJ had moved me was beyond my abilities, same as explaining how gravity worked or how vast the solar system was.

Clueless, I went through the motions of life, lifting at the gym and volunteering at the local vet clinic, the days passing in a blur until the following weekend arrived.

As usual, I didn’t look at the file EEMM sent me for my Thursday night booking.My breath left in a rush of what I realized was relief when I saw I would only have to be eye candy for the night at a charity event.JJ stood center in my mind the entire time, and I struggled to be present with the man I’d escorted to the party.

Saturday’s client proved the same lack of sex-wise, thank fuck, but we attended an awards dinner for some rich asshole whose name I couldn’t even remember the second I drove home.Again, JJ had haunted my thoughts, but at least I’d only been a pretty face who needed to smile and not much else.

Sunday, Micah invited the crew to his place for the Pats’ game.Jarod and his fiery-haired fiancée hollered at the TV, high-fiving and whooping enough most would get caught up in their excitement.

But not me.

Can’t move the fuck on…

“You okay?”Micah elbowed me where we sprawled on one of his couches.

Sean had stolen his brother’s favorite recliner, forcing Micah to sit beside me.Like the others in our smaller group that week, he vocalized his thoughts on the game loudly and often.

“Yep,” I answered on autopilot before taking a swig of my beer.

“You’re full of shit.”

I snorted and glanced over at my nosey friend.His blue eyes were shrewd as fuck, same as a certain detective’s I couldn’t get off my mind.“I’m good.”

His pursed lips told me he still didn’t believe me.“Need a break from escorting?”

“What?”I straightened, my brow furrowing.“Why’d you say that?”

“Because you haven’t been happy for weeks.Much as I hate to say it, maybe it’s time for another trip north.”

If I went home to the farm, I might not return.After my night with JJ, the sting of Xavier had faded to almost nothing in my mind, and my reasons for originally sticking around didn’t hold the same weight as when I’d been freshly heartbroken.
