Page 68 of Two Chances

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“Go back to Boston for good,” she continued, “or move home and attempt a long-distance relationship…it’s your decision.You have to do what is right foryouthis time around, baby boy, not what you feel others want or need from you.”

Mom hugged me again, and I held onto her until she patted my back.“I’m going to bed, little love,” she murmured and kissed my hair.

Dad got up and squeezed my shoulder before following her, and a minute later, I sat alone.

Memories flooded my mind of the living room packed with Roberts.The clan sitting around Christmas trees and singing carols while sipping on hot chocolate with an abundance of marshmallows.

Watching football after stuffing ourselves with turkey and pumpkin pie.

Celebrating birthdays together, even after we’d all grown up and moved out of the house.

We’d always found ways to come home and be together.

JJ didn’t have that—hadn’t for a few years.

I suddenly understood his hesitancy in giving up Alex’s family.After hearing how he’d talked about his friend’s boys and how he’d been a part of their lives since birth, I recognized the connection and his empathy for them.

Didn’t make me like it though.

One step at a time…

Releasing a heavy exhale, I pulled out my cell and called my boss.

“Not surprised, honestly,” Sean said in response to my official resignation when I’d expected a bratty, teasing tone.

“I’m sorry to leave without a proper notice.”

“Micah and I have appreciated your professionalism and easygoing nature the past two years, Kellen.That’s what’s important.You’ll be missed, but I’m excited for you.”I could hear the smile in Sean’s voice—and I wondered who the fuck I spoke to.I guessed the kid had another side to him when it came to his work life.“I still expect you to get your ass to my brother’s place on Sundays at least once a month like the other retired Elites.Don’t disappear on us, okay?You’re family even if you aren’t on the payroll anymore.”

“I won’t—promise.”

“Did you receive the invitation my sister-in-law Jasmine mailed out?”he asked.

“I’ve been up north for a few weeks.Still am, so I haven’t gotten any mail.”

“She and Micah are having an after Thanksgiving party at their house, and all of Elite and its retirees are invited.”

“I’m planning on spending the day with my family.”

“Party isn’t until later, so feel free to drop in if you can.You know me—we’ll be up well past midnight driving my brother insane.”

Chuckling at the appearance of the Sean I was used to, I pushed up to my feet.“We eat early so all the married kids can head to the in-laws for the afternoon, so maybe I will stop by.”

I hung up feeling relieved to have taken that first step toward a resolution.

Now, I had to wait on JJ.



The court case dragged ass.While the prosecution stated fact after fact without bullshitting, the defense attempted to nitpick every goddamned thing each witness said.Then they shuffled in character witnesses for Joseph, wasting everyone’s time on trying to portray him as a fine upstanding citizen from one of Boston’s greatest families.

Even the jury seemed tired of the bull, yawning along with everyone else in the court room.

Two fucking weeks…and the jury was finally allowed to go behind closed doors on a Thursday morning, the DA sure the promise of the weekend would have them coming to a verdict quickly.

No such luck.
