Page 9 of Two Chances

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Kellen didn’t flinch beneath my stare like Mason did at mentioning I’d learned where he—they—worked thanks to a little digging.He also didn’t reveal a goddamned thing about how the sexual tension snapping in the short distance between us affected him.

“Look—I don’t give a shit what the two of you do to make a living,” I said, deciding on a little vulnerability to hear what I wanted.“My mom turned tricks to keep food on our table when I was little.People do what they have to in order to survive.You’ll get no judgment from me.”

“H-How did you find out?”Mason asked, his voice unsteady.

Kellen stood unmoved, arms crossed over prominent pecs, his hazel-green eyes void of emotion while I explained how I’d simply done my job as a detective.The man appeared like a brick wall, and fuck if he didn’t make me want to break him down.Put him on his knees.Listen to him gag on my cock and moan for me to wreck his ass before he did the same to mine.

My cock attempted to buck inside my tight briefs it wanted to spring free from.

Jesus, what was he doing to me?

“So are you going to be able to get him for attempted murder or something with the other guy’s case?”Mason asked.


I needed to focus on what the night ahead would bring rather than salivating over a gorgeous man whose mere presence made every bone in my body ache in ways I didn’t understand.Especially considering I was in love with someone else.

“I can’t discuss the charges at this time, but if you agreed to come forward with your story…” I trailed off, hoping the fact another had suffered at the hand of Joseph would entice Mason to do what needed to be done.

Mason refused to relent, and I gave my attention to his friend, ready to see what else I could stir.While I’d found Kellen’s image on Elite’s website hot as fuck, naked from the waist up, the truth of him in the flesh made me happy I’d looked into his background—without crossing too many ethical boundaries.I planned on doing a hell of a lot more now that I’d been close enough to inhale the slight scent of bergamot and citrus wafting off him.

“You’re a good friend, Kellen Roberts.”I named him, making him aware I knew exactly who he was.

Kellen’s passive eyes glanced down over me, pausing on my obvious bulge, and even though he gave nothing away with his face, the electrical draw crackling between us seemed to intensify.I could sense Mason’s gaze pinging between the two of us as though he felt the palpable connection between me and his friend.

“It seems like you’re decent at your job, Detective…” Kellen arched an eyebrow, waiting for me to fill in the blank.

And fuck, I was going to give him everything he asked for, my best friend and unrequited love be damned.Even though I’d been faithful for ten years, Alex and I had no understanding.He was open to fucking whatever man he wanted, and I wasn’t so stupid as to think I was the only dick he enjoyed riding when the mood struck him.

“James Jenner.”I stuck out my hand, my trustworthy intuition making me aware shit was about to change.But for the better or not, I had no fucking clue.“My friends call me JJ,” I tacked on, obvious in opening a door I wouldn’t mind Kellen walking through.

A shot of adrenaline and lust burst through my body at the feel of his calloused palm sliding along mine.Our fingers grasped tight with just a hint of challenge.My dick perked up fully, ready for a good rough and tumble that ended up with a dick in a hole.I was good being on either end.A slow smirk curled my lip, widening into a full grin as he pulled away first at Mason’s elbow to his side.

Good enough for now since my time had run out.

“Mr.Thomson,” I said, turning toward Mason.“Reconsider,” I begged, thinking about that warrant for Joseph Delaney waiting for me on my desk.“Two against one, double the evidence, will put that blond punk where he belongs.Behind bars for a long fucking time.”

A minute later, after assuring Mason in a roundabout way he wouldn’t have to deal with text messages from his stalker after that evening, I strode off.Kellen’s gaze seared my backside until I turned the corner, leaving the front of the courthouse behind.

In over a decade, I hadn’t considered fucking another man.Hadn’t wondered outside of Alex what life could be like with an actual partner sharing my space.

Kellen Roberts had come in like a tornado, ripping the roof off of my stagnant yet calm existence.While no one would ever hold my heart in their hands the way Alex did, I couldn’t help but wonder about having another man in my bed.

On top of me.

Beneath me.

Inside me.

My groin burned with need I hadn’t felt since my early twenties.The desire to fuck all night long, empty my balls countless times in twelve hours, and collapse in exhaustion covered in sweat and cum slammed into me.

“Goddamn.”I groaned and clenched my steering wheel tighter as the traffic on Route 1 barreled past my car creeping in the far right lane.

Thoughts flooding with and warring over lust and responsibilities, I focused on arriving at my office in one piece.All things Alex and fucking around with an escort who definitely knew how to please a man got put on the back burner.

I had a young man to track down, lock up, and help build a case against.

