Page 10 of Two Chances

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Micah, Elite’s owner, had the guys over for the ballgame on Sunday afternoon like he did once a month.At the invite, I’d gotten a little homesick thinking about the farm up north—because Elite had become my family away from home when I’d joined the ranks of professional escorts.

I was surprised at the number of men sprawled over his massive living room area.It was double the normal, and some of them had actually retired from Elite into the land of partners and children.

The straight boys intermingled with the bent—I gave myself a chuckle at the thought, slapping backs and bumping fists while making my rounds.I’d met a few of them at the holiday party when Micah first announced the EEMM branch, and most had been in attendance at his birthday party a couple of weeks earlier too.

Retirees Blake Harper, Reid Sullivan, Jarod Zimmerman, and Daniel Cooney stood bullshitting by the bar area in a huddled group, but the newer straight Elites lounged on the couches with Sean and the infamous Drake our client Preston secretly lusted after.

It fucking killed me to zip my lips on the whole stepbrother pining, but I knew how to be professional.The last thing Micah needed was private information to be leaked, Drake to confront Preston, and then have the business get sued for breaking an NDA.

Nope.I kept that shit to myself.

Mason was absent, but I wasn’t surprised seeing as how that Joseph asshole had broken into his lover’s place on the night the police had gotten the warrant for his arrest.Mason had been pretty shaken up when I’d spoken to him over the phone, and he and Jasper were laying low for a while.

“Kellen!”Sean called out, patting the empty couch cushion beside him.“Grab yourself—and me—a beer and sit your fine ass down!”His blue eyes twinkled with mischief as usual, and smirking, I simply shook my head at his harmless flirting and headed to the bar.

“What’ll it be?”Blake asked, slipping behind the counter to act as the bartender.

“Sam Adams,” I replied, not in the mood for anything stronger since it wasn’t yet five o’clock.“Go ahead and give me two—one for the brat over there.”

Reid snickered along with Jarod, but Daniel’s calm face didn’t so much as twitch.

“How’s it going, boys?”I asked as Blake handed me my beer.He didn’t bother getting a second for Sean.

“Hey!Where’s mine?”Sean called with laughter in his voice.At least my boss wasn’t yet slurring his words.

“Kellen isn’t your daddy, and neither am I!”Blake hollered back.“Come and get your own, you little shit!”

Sean grumbled, causing more laughter, but he didn’t look embarrassed or put out.I swore he didn’t know the meaning of the word self-conscious.Or tact for that matter.

“I’ll grab you another,” Drake said from his other side, clasping his best friend’s shoulder real quick before pushing up from the couch.

I eyed Drake as he rounded the bar, only paying half-attention as Reid told us about his oldest daughter’s antics the day before.Something about getting a box of ice cream from the freezer and trying to feed her baby sister, who they’d found out was lactose intolerant.

“How’s it going, Drake?”I asked quietly, and he dipped his head while twisting caps off two beers.


“Elite keeping you busy?”I sipped.

“Couple of nights a week,” he said with a shrug.“Enough that my dick’s satisfied, and there’s a nice little pile of money in the bank.”

I wanted to push for info about his personal life.Hint around that he had a stepbrother salivating over fantasies of him.Instead, I kept quiet and allowed him to return to his seat since I wasn’t one to pry or stir up shit.Fuck knew I couldn’t stand anyone getting nosy about my business.

“Kellen,” Blake said, pulling my attention back to the men around me, “Micah said something went down with Mason after his birthday party but hasn’t shared the details.Any idea what the fuck is going on?”

It was no secret that I was aware of, so I told them what had happened.The attack.How he’d met Jasper.How he’d texted his official resignation from EEMM the week before.That same night, I’d broken down a little and admitted to Mason in a rare moment that getting and giving dick for a living was starting to become…boring was the word I’d used.Even if my job soothed my bitterness and emptied my balls without entanglement of any sort, it had less enjoyable moments that sometimes left me feeling restless.

I was sure I wasn’t the only one.

Well, Sean probably never had those thoughts.If ever a fuck boy existed, he was it.

“My uncle said that kid who got arrested—Joseph Delaney—got nabbed at Mason’s boyfriend’s house,” Reid said, studying my face as though waiting for me to spill more beans.

“You some big detective now?”Jarod asked, elbowing Reid.

Detective James Jenner.
