Page 37 of Lust

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She waggled her fingers at him. “Details.”

“Ugh!” Long lines of spit trailed from Yesterday’s chin. “They fly.”

“Already knew that.” She ate her handful of popcorn with an extra crunch. “Do they have magical abilities?”

“No.” Yesterday gave her a scornful look. “They don’t do magic.”

“So what makes them powerful?” She took her time eating another mouthful.

Yesterday stared at the bowl. “It’s nearly gone.”

“Got more in the packet.”

“More.” Yesterday licked his lipless mouth. “They are power.”

“What does that mean?”

“Do you have more than one packet left?”

“Maybe.” She crunched through a couple of kernels. “Depends on how many details I get.” Her attention snagged on her now swollen left arm. “Let’s start with why the hell this thing hurts so much.”

Yesterday wailed. “I don’t know that one.”

“Then why did you make me put salt on it?” That had hurt like a bitch.

Yesterday was nearly sobbing as she ate another mouthful. “It seemed like the right thing to say.”

She didn’t trust the yellow scumbag, other than when peanut butter—and apparently popcorn—was involved.

She tossed him a few kernels.

His tongue shot out like a chameleon and slurped them out of the air.

“Back to the they are power thing.” She held a handful out.

“They are woven into the fabric of creation.” Yesterday’s eyes didn’t stray from her hand.


“Argh!” Yesterday twisted like he was made of Play-Doh. “You have heaven, earth, and hell. The three live in balance. Hell princes rule hell. Archangels rule heaven. Humans…” He grimaced. “I don’t know what the point to humans is.”

Eddie had days when she wondered that herself. “So hell princes are evil?” And one of them was sleeping in Dee’s bed. “And archangels are good?”

“Eh?” The question shook Yesterday enough to drag his gaze up to hers. “I don’t understand.”

“Hell is for sinners, and heaven is for the worthy.” She tossed the popcorn.

Yesterday snatched it out of the air again.

How long was his tongue exactly?

She took her clarification slowly, accompanied with another handful of Yesterday’s crack. “Bad people go to hell. Good people go to heaven.” He still looked confused. “After they die.”

“You mean humans?” Yesterday frowned.


Yesterday went back to lusting after the corn. “There are no humans in hell.
