Page 45 of Lust

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“I don’t think they understand me.” God, she hoped they didn’t rip Yesterday into tiny pieces. And also, people would be coming into the theatre any moment now. People who she did not want to see ripped into pieces—at least, not every day. “You need to call them back. We have rehearsal today.”

“They can take care of themselves.” Shade smirked.

So not the fucking point. “They can’t rampage around my theatre killing people. Yesterday said they feed on human souls.”

Shade’s expression grew annoyed. “Tell me more about this Yesterday.”

“Like what?” She hadn’t even had her coffee yet, and now she was dealing with all this hell crap. “I need coffee.”

“You may fetch me a cup,” Shade announced.

Ah, hell no. Someone had to bring a dose of reality to this motherfucker. “You can get off your ass and get your own coffee.”

Shade laughed, a full-bodied sound that came from his belly and crinkled his face in a way that made him dangerously charming.

“Stop it!”

“Stop what?” He looked genuinely confused.

“Doing that thing.” She waved her hands about as she ran out of words. She wasn’t sure exactly what it was he did, but she knew she didn’t like its effect on her.

“Ah.” He grinned and folded his arms. Pectorals and biceps bulged and made her lose her thoughts. His eyes glowed silver. “You mean this thing?”

And she wanted to leap on his naked self and ride him like a wild pony. Caffeine! Lots of it. Right now. Eddie whirled and stomped into the kitchen.

She loaded grounds into her coffeemaker and pressed the button that would make the magic black elixir. Her life had taken such a weird fucking turn lately. And now she could be dying.


Her arm looked bad, purple and distended and oozing. She grabbed the salt and slapped a handful on her bite. “Mother. Fucker.” It hurt enough to bring tears to her eyes.

“Did you just put salt on a rakshasa bite?” Shade spoke from the kitchen doorway. Where he was standing buck assed naked.

And Shade did naked well. Oh boy, did he do naked well. She caught a glimpse of the most perfect cock she’d ever seen before she dragged her traitorous gaze away. “You’re naked.”

“Yes,” Shade drawled. “I don’t subscribe to your human obsession with modesty.”

Eddie hit her limit. “Just put some pants on.”

“I don’t have any pants.”

That was a problem. And she had the solution. “Wardrobe room.” She pointed down the corridor. “Third door on the right. Find some pants.”

“Does my nudity bother you, Eddie?” His voice grew smoky.

“Everything about you bothers me.” Eddie sighed. She was so out of her depth. She needed Dee to come home and do it now. Then she could unload this entire mess on her grandmother. If Dee had the energy for men thirty years her junior, she could take on the hell contingent currently taking over her theatre.

Shade vanished in the correct direction, and the coffee machine beeped that it was ready to deliver its magic. Eddie grabbed two mugs and poured. She gave hers a life affirming load of French vanilla creamer. Wrapping both hands around her mug, she breathed deep. Coffee. Pure heaven.

A loud squeal startled her and almost caused her to spill a drop. Survival instinct stopped that from happening.

The hounds slunk into the kitchen, a squirming, squealing Yesterday trapped in one’s jaws.

At least he was alive. Eddie took a sip of her coffee before she dealt with the newest crisis. “Put him down.”

The hound opened its maw and Yesterday tumbled to the kitchen floor.

Eddie took a second sip—earth, chocolate, nuts, and vanilla. Life.
