Page 60 of Lust

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“I’m fine where I am.” She was not getting within touching distance of him. Disastrous things happened when she made physical contact with him. Her skin prickled with his proximity, and her muscles wanted to cleave to him.

“Eddie.” He sounded disappointed in her. “You don’t trust me.”

“I have no reason to trust you.” If he was going to hang around on earth, then he needed to learn a few things about how to behave here. “Need I remind you what you did to me and Lillian?”

“I explained that.” He frowned as if she’d said something stupid.

“And you think that justifies what you did?”

He shrugged. “Of course.”

“It doesn’t,” Eddie yelled. She hauled her temper back. Shouting at people never got the desired result. “You took advantage of both me and Lillian and used our natural instincts against us.”

Pursing his lips, he appeared to mull that over. “I am the hell prince of lust. I draw power from lust, and I needed that power to heal.”

Eddie couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “So, if your power was based on killing people, that would justify you ripping heads off left, right, and center.”

“But it isn’t.” He spread his hands, trying to make it sound as if she was the unreasonable one.

Enough was enough, and Eddie shot to her feet. “Out.”

“I’m not going anywhere, Eddie.” He shook his head. “You really need to hear me out.”

“Argh!” She was sorely tempted to stamp her foot. He was about 6’4”, built strong, but she’d dragged his ass up the stairs. She would haul him out of here if he didn’t leave voluntarily.

“It won’t work.” He raised an eyebrow at her. “Now, sit your pretty ass down and let me tell you a story.”

“Don’t call my ass pretty,” she snapped. Under different circumstances, she might not mind someone calling her ass pretty, but this shit was condescending and patronizing.

“Sexy?” He cocked his head. “Gorgeous? Lush? Irresistible?”

“I don’t care what adjective you use.” A baseball bat might get her point across succinctly. Despite her stance on nonviolence. “I don’t want you looking at my ass, and it’s totally inappropriate for you to comment on it.”

“Hmm.” He stroked his full bottom lip with a thumb. “It’s been many years since I came to earth. Things appear to have changed.”

“You bet your ass—life they have.” And despite her annoyance, her perpetual curiosity got the better of her. “How many years?”

“Let me think.” He narrowed his eyes. “We do not measure time as you do.” He pulled a face. “We do not measure time at all. It serves no purpose.”

Eddie’s mind boggled at that idea. “Then how do you know when stuff is happening?”

“You measure time because your life has a beginning and an end. It is a completely human phenomena, and as we are immortal, we have no reason to measure time. But”—he held up a finger—“women were wearing long dresses and corsets.”

Way to go on narrowing down a time period. “Never mind. Suffice to say women are no longer treated as objects for a man’s pleasure.”

“Now I know you still have sex.” He scoffed.

“That has—” And this time Eddie did stamp her foot. “You know what? If you’re going to stay here, we are going to establish some ground rules.”

He nodded. “That’s fair.”

“No doing your lust thing.”


“No looking at my ass”—he opened his mouth—“or any of my other bits and commenting on them like you have the right to do so.”

He gave that some thought. “What if I look and don’t comment?”
