Page 59 of Lust

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“They can’t be on this plane without informing the guardians,” Dee said. “It’s a deal the three factions struck. And for the sake of peace, everyone makes sure they keep it.”

Eddie’s head ached. One fucking problem at a time was about all she had capacity for. “Dee there’s something else.” She tried to keep it light. She didn’t believe a word of what they’d said to her, but it was needling at her mind, and it was best to put it to rest sooner rather than later. “Shade and Uriel said the weirdest thing to me today.”

“Oh?” Dee sounded distracted.

Eddie went through the story as quickly as she could and made sure to include all the details. When she was finished, she waited for Dee to laugh, or scoff. Instead, a heavy silence came down the phone. “Dee?”

“I’m on my way, Eddie.” She took a long, slow exhale. “Just hang in there.”

Then, to Eddie’s astonishment, Dee hung up. Eddie sat on her bed and stared at her phone.

“Was that the real guardian?” Shade strolled in and draped himself on her bed.

“What are you doing?”

“Your mother?”

“What?” she snapped going cold inside.

Shade grinned. “Was that your mother on the phone?”

“Grandmother.” Eddie shoved his leg. “And you may have to stay here, but that doesn’t give you the right to make like my bedroom is yours.”

“I like it better in here. It smells like you.” Shade crossed his ankles and tucked his arms behind his head. “Where’s your mother?”

No way she was getting into that story. “Not here. And get off my bed.”

“Where is she?” Shade’s gaze grew intent. “Why is your mother not the guardian?”

“She didn’t want to be.” And oh, my god, could he not stick to the subject. “This is my bed. Yours is down the hall.”

“This one is more comfortable.” Shade looked thoughtful. “Is that the reason you’re not the real guardian, because your mother is not here?”

“I’m not talking about my mother.” That was a sore spot she was not showing to Shade. “You need to get out.”

He grinned at her. “And you need to relax.”

With him on her bed? Fat fucking chance. “You need to leave.”

“This plane? This theatre? This bed?” He cocked his head and smirked at her.

“All of the above.” She needed a drink. Nobody could handle this…him…it sober.

Shade patted the bed beside him. “Come here, Eddie.”

“Does that work for you?” Looking all gorgeous and ripped and sexy and patting the bed with a warm look in his eyes. Ridiculous! Eddie snorted and sent a swift mental quit it to her lady garden. She’d done it again. It was a vagina, not a lady garden or a downstairs, or a foof, or her bits.

His grin widened. “It’s story time.” He stroked the covers. “And I’ll answer your questions.”

And Eddie sat. Because he was going to answer her questions. Not because the invitation tugged a visceral part of her that wanted to toss herself next to him. “Uriel and I have been talking about you.”

She stayed on the edge of the bed, spine straight. “Is this the non-human thing again?”

“Your grandmother didn’t deny it, did she?” He looked so understanding, it was tempting to confide in him. Then she remembered the lust thing and that he couldn’t be trusted.

“That proves nothing.” Eddie wished she felt better about the fact that Dee hadn’t responded in the way she’d wanted her to. “She didn’t say anything to prove what you said either.”

“Right.” He nodded. “Come closer.”
