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“I guess I was waiting for the right girl.”

Oh, she likes that answer.

“Like this,” I tell her, showing her how to draw the razor up my neck and across my cheeks. She begins to shave me, frowning as she concentrates.

“I want to make something clear,” she says, the tip of her tongue sticking out of the corner of her mouth as she draws the blade up my neck.

“I’m at your mercy,” I point out. “You’ve got a razor to my throat. You can tell me whatever you like.”

“I just want to say that I know you’re wealthy, but that’s not why I’m dating you.”

“I know that,” I say, amused.

“I don’t earn a bad wage,” she continues as if I haven’t spoken. “That pays the bills and gives me a little spare, and Finn and I don’t need much.”

“What about the insurance money? I’m sure Lee took out the life policy so you’d be provided for if something happened to him.”

She turns and washes the blade in the sink. “I’m glad he had the policy, because it has enabled me to take care of Finn, and for that I’m thankful to him. It was the one redeemable thing he ever did for me. But I know it was for Finn. It certainly wasn’t anything to do with me.”

She comes back and continues shaving me.

I watch her, sensing her hurt, and puzzled by the fact that anyone who was with this beautiful girl wouldn’t want to take care of her and treat her like the most precious thing in the world.

Glancing up, she meets my eyes. “It’s beyond your realm of understanding, isn’t it?”


She bends and kisses me, then moves back with a blob of foam on her nose. I chuckle and wipe it off.

She scrapes the razor up my cheek and washes it in the sink. “It’s funny to think of you with other women. Jealousy is a new sensation for me.”

“You needn’t be jealous. I didn’t feel the same way about any of them that I feel about you.”

She stops and stares at me. “We’ve only been dating a few days.”

I shrug.

She studies me, then continues shaving me. “I’ve never felt it before, even when I thought Lee was cheating on me.”

“Well, that’s one thing you’ll never have to worry about with me. I would never cheat.”

“I know.” She shaves my cheek. “I trust you.”

“I trust you too. Hence the razor in your hand.”

She draws it up my cheek. “Did you love any of the girls you were with?”

“I was fond of them, of course. But dating is about trying each other on to see if you fit, right? And they didn’t quite fit.”

Her gaze meets mine for a moment. Then she continues shaving me. “What were they like?”

I lift a hand to the back of her neck and pull her head down for a kiss. She laughs as I smear shaving foam all over her nose and cheeks.

“I’m guessing you won’t tell me.” She wipes her face.

“I don’t think you really want to know about my ex-girlfriends. I think you want to know whetherwe’regoing to fit.”

“Maybe. I suppose only time will tell.”
