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We make our way outside for the photographs, and Missie comes up to me and slides her arm around my waist.

“Look at you,” she says, “Mr. Beautiful.”

“I think you mean Mr. Ruggedly Handsome.”

“Beautiful and handsome.” Her eyes twinkle. “You look amazing in that morning coat. You make my mouth water.”

I chuckle and put my arms around her. “And you look stunning in that dress.”

“Thank you.”

“I want to take it off.”

“Now? I think the priest might complain.”

I nuzzle her elegant neck and the soft spot behind her ear, revealed where she’s pinned up her hair. “I’ve thought about you naked for the entire service.”

“I thought I saw a stroke of lightning come through the window and hit you on the forehead.”

I chuckle and kiss up her jaw to her mouth.

“Don’t smudge my lipstick,” she complains. Pouting, I touch my lips to hers lightly, and she sighs. “You drive me crazy,” she grumbles.

I kiss her nose. “Until later, sweetheart.”

We have hundreds of photos taken in the church grounds on the lawn amongst the trees, and then eventually it’s time to go back to the house. There, Belle and Damon welcome their guests on the bottom terrace, where we have cocktails and canapes beneath the shade of the marquee, and then eventually we make our way up to the top terrace. Here, round tables have once again been laid with white cloths, but this time it’s a proper sit-down do, and Missie sits next to me at the top table while we eat the magnificent meal.

We’re served caprese skewers, crab cakes, lobster rolls, and vegetarian spring rolls to start, followed by grilled chicken, seabass, or roasted red pepper tartlets with summer vegetables for the main, and peach and blueberry cobbler, strawberry shortcake, and ice cream for dessert. All the bread has been made here, and although champagne and other wines flow, the bar is kept busy serving a range of cocktails.

After the meal, it’s time for speeches, and this time mine is a little longer, filled with stories of when Damon, Belle, and I were young. I get a huge round of applause afterward, so I guess I did okay, and Missie’s eyes glow as she whispers, “You were amazing.”

The speeches done, we move back down to the lower terrace, which has been set up for dancing, with a live band and a DJ. The evening guests begin arriving, and I’m kept busy with making sure everyone’s happy and comfortable, as well as dancing with Missie as much as I’m able.

At one point, when we’re dancing to a slow song, she says, “Oh Alex, look,” and I glance over to see a tall, gray-haired, good-looking guy approaching Kait with Neal. “That must be Simon,” Missie says.

We watch as Neal introduces them, and they shake hands. Simon keeps hold of hers and obviously asks her to dance. She looks doubtful, but he says something that makes her laugh, and then she nods and lets him lead her onto the dance floor.

“Nicely done,” Missie says with admiration.

“I don’t know whether to congratulate him or console him,” I reply.

Missie smacks my arm. “Don’t be mean. Kait’s lovely.”

I chuckle. “She looks good today, I have to admit.”

“She looks amazing. I hope they hit it off.”

They obviously do, because after their dance, he gets her a drink, and then I see the two of them walking through the gardens, talking. I’m pleased for her, especially today, when it feels as if everybody’s with someone. She’s been to hell and back, and she deserves some happiness.

It seems to be catching, because later I see Juliette and Henry talking, which pleases me. Missie has told me she spoke to James last night, and I had a dance and a chat with Aroha, too, and did my best to convince her that he’s a good guy. Now, I see the two of them dancing together, so I guess we’ve mended a few bridges.

Later, I’m up on the top terrace, running an errand for Mae, when my phone rings in my inside pocket. I take it out, surprised to see Finn’s name. I answer it, heading into the house and going through to the library, where it’s nice and quiet. “Hello?”


“Yes, hey Finn. Everything all right?”

“Yeah, it’s all cool here. Is it okay that I rang you? Are you busy?”
