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“No, I’m good to talk. What’s up?”

“Um… I wanted to ask you something. My best friend called me—”


“Yeah,” he says, sounding pleased that I remembered. “His parents are taking him and his brothers to their bach on the coast tomorrow, and he asked me whether I’d like to go with him.”

“Oh, okay. That sounds fun.”

“Yeah, and they said I could bring Zelda. I know she’s your dog, but I thought… um… you and Mum could have some more time together on your own.”

Smiling, I sit on the sofa and stretch out my legs. I miss the puppy, but I know she’d love a trip to the sea, and it would make Finn the happiest boy alive. “Nothing to do with you wanting Zelda for a few more nights?”

“Busted,” he says with a laugh. “But I really did think it would be nice for you and Mum. Grandma said she might go over to Mike’s place, and I didn’t want Mum to be on her own. Last New Year’s Eve was horrible. And…” He hesitates.

“Go on,” I say.

“It’s just… I don’t want to… you know… get in the way…”

I frown. Getting to my feet, I wander over to the window and look out at the fantails hopping from branch to branch in the trees. “Finn, you’re not and will never be in the way of me and your mum. You’re very important to both of us, and you’ll always be number one in her eyes.”

“Yeah, I know, but… I want her to have someone. She deserves it. And I know I can be a pain, and I don’t want to put you off.”

“You’re not a pain. If anything you’re a bonus. She comes with a ready-made family. How cool is that?”

He’s quiet for a moment. I’m not quite sure what’s bothering him. Is he jealous of my relationship with Missie? Or worried that I’m expecting to walk in and want to boss him around like a father?

“Look,” I add, “I want you to know that I’m not expecting to replace your dad. That will never happen.”

“What if I want you to?” he says.

My eyebrows rise. “Oh.”

“I just mean that if you and mum, you know, get married and stuff, I’d like that. I wouldn’t call you Dad if you didn’t want me to, but if you did, you know, I wouldn’t mind…”

Emotion tightens my throat, and for a moment I can’t speak.

“I’m sorry,” Finn says, “I shouldn’t have said all that.”

“It’s okay.”

“I just meant—”

“Finn, it’s all right. I’m very touched. This is new for both of us, and it’s good that we can talk about it. I like your mum a lot, and I have done for a long time. But we’ve only been dating a week.”

“Yeah, of course. You need time to make sure you want to stay with her.”

“Well, no, I know I want to marry her.”


“But she’s had a tough time, and I want her to be sure. If it does happen, though, it’ll be good for both of us, won’t it? Me and you? We’ll be great friends, and we can support your mum and look after her together.”

“Yeah,” he says. He sounds thrilled, bless him. “I’d like that.”

“All right. But I don’t want you worrying that you’re in the way. You’re one of the main reasons I like being with your mum. You’re a good kid, and I’d be honored to be a part of your family. Okay?”

