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“I happen to likebleugh.”

“Missie, you want to stand out tonight. You want Alex to look at you and think holy shit, look at how gorgeous that woman is.”

“I hate to break it to you, but there really aren’t such things as miracles.”

“There totally are, especially at Christmas. Now, try this on.” She passes me a white crossover dress of hers with big red flowers. It’s bright and bold and perfect for a party.

I pull it on. We’re the same height and build, but she’s flat chested and I’m… not. The crossover front clings to my breasts and gives me a cleavage like the Grand Canyon.

“Jesus.” I try and pull the two sides closer together. “I can’t wear that.”

“You are absolutely going to wear that. You have gorgeous tits, Missie. Show them off!”

“She’s right,” Mum says, coming into my room with a glass of wine for us both. “They’re one of your best assets.”

“You should listen to your mother,” Carly advises, giving Mum a wink as she goes out. “If I had a D cup, I’d wear tight tops all the time. He won’t be able to take his eyes off you.”

“I’d rather he look at my face.”

“I’m telling you, he’ll be mesmerized. Do you want to get laid or not?”

“I really do. But…” I hesitate. “It’s not me, you know?”

“Maybe you should make it the new you.”

I consider my reflection. Carly knows what I’ve been through, and she’s begged me to forget Lee and get on with my life. Until now, I’ve not been able to follow her wishes, but for the first time I feel ready to move on.

“I’ll ask the guys,” I say, and go out into the living room. When they pause the game, I say, “What do you think? Too much boob?”

Sean gives them a polite appraisal. “Nope.”

“He’ll never say there’s too much,” Carly advises, coming into the room behind me. “He’s married to an ironing board.”

“Aw,” he says, “don’t say that. I love your figure.”

“You’re just being polite,” she states, kissing the top of his head, “but thank you, sweetheart.”

“What do you think, honey?” I ask Finn. “Too much?”

“Men like boobs,” he says helpfully, and Sean nods his agreement.

“But I don’t look, you know, tarty?”

Sean smiles. “You look lovely, Missie. Young and gorgeous.”

“Told you,” Carly says triumphantly.

“Plus you’ve got somewhere to keep your credit card,” Sean adds, pointing at my cleavage, and Finn giggles.

Carly glares at them and steers me out of the room. “He’s teasing you. You heard what he said—you look young and gorgeous. You’re absolutely going to slay this guy. Now come on, let’s have a go at your hair. You’re wearing it down tonight, and if he doesn’t get the urge to run his fingers through it, I’ll eat my hat and coat.”


It takes me longer than I expected to do my hair and makeup, and I end up walking into the bar at 6.45, fifteen minutes later than I’d planned. It’s busy and bustling, warm and Christmassy. The long bar is bedecked with tinsel and sprigs of mistletoe. A huge tree stands in one corner, glittering with fairy lights and gold and red baubles. They’re offering a special mulled wine, which has filled the air with the smell of cinnamon and oranges. As it’s warm, most people are in tees or short-sleeved shirts, and lots of the women are wearing flashing Christmas earrings or sparkly tops.

I spot the guys from Kia Kaha standing by the bar, talking and laughing, and thread my way through the crowd toward them. I’m tempted to pull my jacket close around me, but I take a deep breath and let it slip from my shoulders as I approach. Alex is talking to James and a pretty blonde standing next to him. Alex is wearing jeans and a long-sleeved plum-colored dress shirt with the sleeves rolled back. He’s obviously forgotten to use product because his hair is fluffy. Oh, I like it like that. I love the way it flops over his forehead.

He turns as I walk up, spots me, his eyebrows rise, and he stares. Then he turns away and obviously says something to the others because they all laugh. Hopefully he wasn’t making fun of me!
