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“Hello,” I say as I reach them.

“Hey,” he says, smiling and bending to kiss my cheek. “Glad you came. Can I get you a drink?”

“Um, I’ll have a glass of Sav, please.”

He nods and walks over to the bar.

Juliette grins at me. “Hello.”

“Hey. What did Alex say when I walked up that made you all laugh?”

“He didn’t say anything. This is what he did when he saw you.” She widens her eyes, inhales, then blows out the breath slowly.

“Oh no. I’m showing too much boob!”

“No, sweetheart, I think you’re showing exactly the right amount,” Juliette says as all the others try to hide a laugh, and fail. “Let me introduce you to everyone,” she says. “You know James, and this is his girlfriend, Cassie.”

I shake hands with the blonde. She flicks me a quick smile that rapidly disappears, then she finishes off her drink. “James,” she says, holding her glass out to him.

“Alex is at the bar,” he says curtly. She meets his gaze, then saunters off to Alex.

“You two all right?” Juliette asks softly.

“Nope,” he says. He huffs a sigh and waves a hand, telling her to move on.

Juliette clears her throat. “You obviously know Henry. This is my other half, Cam.”

I shake hands with a tall, good-looking blond guy. “Nice to meet you at last.”

“Likewise,” he says. He rests a hand on Juliette’s hip and pulls her toward him. She takes a step to the side, causing his hand to fall. It’s subtle, but I catch it. Ooh, it looks as if not everything in the garden is rosy with everyone tonight. What a shame.

“You’ve met Tyson,” Juliette continues.

I smile at the guy perching on the barstool. “Yes, hello!” Tyson is the best advert for Kia Kaha they could have. Also told he’d never walk again, he’s worked hard with MAX to strengthen his muscles and now he can walk unaided for short distances, using a walking stick just for balance and security.

“This is his wife, Gaby,” Juliette states, gesturing to a pretty young woman with short dark hair.

“I’m Alex’s sister, too,” Gaby says, shaking my hand.

“Oh.” I flush as she gives me an appraising look, and smile at Tyson. “I didn’t realize you were married to Alex’s sister.”

“Gabrielle Audrey Winters-Palmer,” he says. “It’s a bit of a mouthful.”

She chuckles. “I’ve heard a lot about you,” she says to me.

“I haven’t told her anything,” Alex announces, reappearing at my side with a glass of wine, which he hands to me.

“All right,” she says good-naturedly, “I’ll stop teasing. Missie, I understand you’re a teacher as well, is that right?”

“Yes! You teach?”

“I do!”

“What school?”

“I’m not actually at a school—I run my own company, Hepburn Education—I provide English and Maths tuition for primary and secondary school students, in person and online.”

“Oh, I’ve heard of you! I’ve had several sets of parents say how you’ve helped their children. It’s so great to meet you at last.”
