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“Sweetheart, you’re gentle, and kind, and you have a heart of gold. You love your son and all the kids in your class. You’re fun to be with, and you’re sexy as. I can’t think of a single thing I don’t love about you.”

I blink and look into his eyes. That was a throwaway comment, the way you say ‘I love chocolate ice cream.’ He wasn’t declaring that he loved me.

“Alex, you mocked me earlier when I said we need time to see whether there’s something worth exploring here.”

“Doesn’t sound like me.”

“Well, you did. But I was serious. I mean, I like you…”

“I’m glad about that.”

I ignore him and carry on. “…and I think you like me…”

“Understatement of the year.”

“…but just because two people like having sex, it doesn’t mean they’re compatible, does it…”

“Not in the slightest.”

“…I mean, I have an eleven-year-old son…”

“Who’s a right pain in the ass. Can’t stand the kid.”

“…and I have to put him first…”

“I thought we could lock him up in the basement.”

“…because he’s had such a lot of instability this year…”

“Actually, we could send him to boarding school.”

“…and the last thing I want is for him to lock onto you…”

“Like a heat-seeking missile?”

“…and then you realize I’m just an ordinary girl, and you get bored with me…”

“Sounds very likely.”

“…and call the actress you have on speed dial…”

“She’s always waiting. She’s getting pretty insistent.”

“Alex! We’re having a serious conversation.”

He sighs. “Have you told Finn that you overheard him the other night?”

“No. I don’t know how to broach it. His dad’s not here to defend himself, so he’ll only get one side of the story, and that doesn’t seem fair, because I know I’m going to sound resentful and angry.”

“He’s eleven, Missie. He’s closer to being an adult than you think. Why do you think he didn’t admit that he remembered the accident? Because he wants to protect you. He thinks of himself as the man of the house. He’s kept it secret all this time because he didn’t want to hurt you, but he’ll be relieved that you suspected the truth. It might be the final step he needs in his healing.”

My throat tightens with unexpected emotion. “You think so?”

“I do. I’m a man of science, but I believe there’s a lot about the world we don’t yet understand. One of them is the way the body heals itself. I’m not sure I believe we have physical, mental, and emotional bodies in a New Age sense, but I do think our mental and emotional health impinges on our physical wellbeing. They’re inextricably linked in a way we don’t yet fully understand. I think Finn has a certain amount of fear that’s possibly holding back his complete recovery.”

I stare at him in wonder. “I’ll talk to him.”

He nuzzles my neck. “Your skin is so soft…”
