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“How can you say something so deep and intense and then go straight back to sex?”

“Quite easily, actually. You smell so good…”

“We were talking about… what were we talking about?”

“Ah, Missie…” He strokes his hands down my back and sighs. “For God’s sake, go to sleep or I’m going to make love to you all over again.”

“I can’t walk as it is.”

“Aw. Want me to kiss it better?”

I give up. I’m so fuzzy, I can’t remember what we were talking about anyway. “Thank you for a wonderful day.”

“You’re welcome.” He kisses my nose. Then my mouth. Then my mouth again, longer this time.

The tender press of his lips on mine is the last thing I remember before I fall asleep.

Chapter Eighteen


The next morning it’s Christmas Eve. Alex insists on driving me home, and I don’t argue, enjoying the trip in his flash Audi sports car with Zelda sitting on my lap.

As he drives, I can’t help but cast surreptitious glances across at him. His cheeks and jaw are smooth because he shaved this morning while I watched. The manly act got me all hot and bothered, so we ended up showering together. I was never going to survive being closeted in a cubicle with a naked, wet, and slippery Alex without something naughty happening, but luckily, he didn’t seem to mind.

It all feels a bit like a dream. My body is still tingling and tender from our lovemaking. He’s so damn good at it. I’ve had more orgasms over the past twelve hours, I’m sure, than I had in all the time I was with Lee.

Alex is such an enigma. Last night, in bed, he was much more relaxed, teasing me and playing with me all night long. Right now, he’s concentrating on the road, an elbow on the sill and his fingers on his lips, lost in thought, and he looks stern and unapproachable. I’m not a hundred percent sure how he feels about me. I have no doubt that he enjoyed the sex, but perhaps that’s all it was. Is he regretting inviting me to the wedding with him?

However, when we arrive home, he surprises me by producing a present each for me, Finn, and Mum, and asks if he can come in for a coffee so Finn can play with Zelda for half an hour. He wouldn’t do that if he didn’t enjoy being with me, right?

And it’s him, not me, who brings up the idea of Finn looking after Zelda while I go with him to Damon’s wedding. Finn, of course, is thrilled at the notion of having Zelda to himself, and Mum winks at me and says it’s no problem at all and she’s happy to drive there.

“Or I could fly you there in the helicopter?” Alex asks casually, glancing at me. Last time he suggested it, I refused, but that was before we slept together.

Finn lights up like the Christmas tree. “Mum! Can we?”

I know I still have to be careful with Finn’s heart, but equally I can’t keep Alex at arm’s length after how he was last night. “I guess that would save the long journey. But what about your folks? I assumed you’d be traveling with them?”

“No, they’re flying up the day after me. So it’s sorted? Ten a.m. on the twenty-eighth at the airport, okay?” He clips Zelda’s lead on. “I’d better go. I’m sure you’ve got lots to do, and Zelda and I are calling in at the office.”

“Workaholic,” I tease.

“Just making sure there’s nothing that needs doing before the Christmas break.” He gives Finn a manly bearhug, which brings a lump to my throat, and Mum a kiss on the cheek. “Merry Christmas. See you on Boxing Day.”

I go with him and Zelda to the front door, and he makes the puppy sit, then pulls me into his arms.

“Thank you,” I murmur. “For suggesting the helicopter.”

“I promised him a trip.”

“Even so. You’re a good man.”

“You sure about that?” He nips my earlobe.

“Ouch! On second thought, no.” But I temper my words by producing a parcel and handing it to him shyly. “It’s only something small,” I say awkwardly.

“Aw, thank you.” He looks genuinely touched. “I’ll save it till tomorrow.”
